By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I love bearded irises and would love to grow some ..they do come as bulbs dont they ? i have been looking for some for a while now,,I went to rhs malvern and gardeners world live at the nec and cant see any there a certain time of year you can but them?
23 Jun, 2012
ok thankyou I will have a look :)
23 Jun, 2012
I saw a couple of rather sorry looking Iris for sale in Dobbies the other day in the 'bargain bin', maybe worth having a wee look now Kate.
23 Jun, 2012
I dont know were in the west mids you are, but i have irises that need dividing and if you are anywere near, say merry hill, i could let you have some
23 Jun, 2012
thanks Scottish we have one near Jenfren Im near Wednesfield :) thanks for your comments everyone :0
24 Jun, 2012
Have split up large clumps and have about 15 potted up in the greenhouse, could meet at merry hill & give you some if you want. I shall be there next week not sure yet what day.You could p.m. me if interested
24 Jun, 2012
They grow from rhizomes. Have a look at Claire Austins website.
But they are usually on sale from the beginning of June onwards, tailing off as they finish flowering.
23 Jun, 2012