re yesterdays question about vigorous clematis
By Lightning
United Kingdom
Comptesse de bouchard variety,pruned hard as per instructions. If I prune it bt 1ft now will it bloom?
19 May, 2009
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clematis plants
NO... The pruning time is early spring, back to the lowest healthy buds on the stems up from the ground. If you cut her back now, you will lose the flowers! It's a group 3 clematis. What HAVE you been feeding her with? LOL.
19 May, 2009
SNAP, Mims2!! -must have pressed 'submit' at the same moment! Glad we agree, though.
19 May, 2009
I have this Clematis in my collection, she's gorgeous !
I prune hard back in early spring and she rewards me well, bushy and flowery!!!
21 May, 2009
Loise 1
Interested to know where you have this Comptesse de bouchard clematis as mine is all stem and few blooms which is why am trying to
bush out more
21 May, 2009
Many thanks for all the advice given me re Comptesse de Bouchard clematis. Haven't been giving it anything special, will try it in different position next year. Others are very pleased with theirs and I was disappointed so I need to try harder!
21 May, 2009
Lightning, i have this Clematis on an east facing side of my back garden.
It's quite a windy site but where i live is a mild county (Somerset) and this garden isn't a cold one.
She scrambles through a Forsythia on one side and a Viburnum on the other.
I cut her back to about 6" from the ground each February.
I noticed earlier that she's got some slugs and snails around her base, had better do something about that !
Little b*****s !
21 May, 2009
Tsk, tsk, such bad language about the dear little things! ;-)
21 May, 2009
I live in Somerset too, also cut back to 6" from ground in Feb. Have small garden so like plenty of flowers for impact and this one straggles! This one in large pot which I thought would restrain it!
22 May, 2009
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When you say pruned hard as per instructions, I take that to mean you pruned it back to 2/4 buds before the middle of February this year. This one flowers on current season's growth, so if you take a bit more off now, you do run the risk of losing flowers, though you'll probably still get some if you only take a foot off. On the other hand, assuming you pruned it properly in the winter, perhaps it's in the wrong place, as you don't seem to want taller growth. It gets 8 to 12 feet tall, or should do, every year.
19 May, 2009