By Bersun
United Kingdom
I've planted some seeds which I need to keep inside for 4 weeks and then put in fridge for 4weeks. At no point does it mention watering on the packet! Should I?
19 May, 2009
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wild flowers
Stand the pot in water so the compost remains damp. At this time of year the main thing is to stop the seeds getting too warm. I'm germinating some candelabra primulas which I've done by sowing them on the surface of vermiculite in a wide yoghurt pot, covered with cling film. (you can see what they are doing, and they like light to germinate) They've taken quite a few weeks to start to germinate. You can then prick on the young seedlings (which is quite fiddly) into proper compost. Keep them shaded and cool until they've established.
19 May, 2009
Thank you, will do. Will water now and then cover with clingfilm. Can't wait to see how they do especially after the fridge bit.
19 May, 2009
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I would make sure the compost is moist but not over wet - you are trying to simulate winter, and to me that means cold and damp!!
19 May, 2009