By Numbty
United Kingdom
Anyone know why my Madam Lemoine has not flowered this year,it has plenty of leaves and is fed regularly and looks otherwise very healthy.
24 Jun, 2012
Hi Marion1,they are very fragrant also!
24 Jun, 2012
Can't help you Numbty but neither of my lilacs flowered this year. Not pruned at all as both are quite small.
My white one did start to produce flowers but they fell off and nothing else. I doubt drought. So I'm interested in what others have to say.
24 Jun, 2012
Scottish,thank you for your reply, my Lilac was purchased last year and has grown to a good size,just no flowers maybe it is to do with the weather...who knows!
25 Jun, 2012
Hi Numbty, I dont know but I have replied so that I can remember this shrub as I just googled it and its stunning, I will have to try and find a place for one.
24 Jun, 2012