Part 2 - Powdered Mildew on Lonicera
By Annelise
United Kingdom
Sorry all - posted this question recently, but then couldn't add the pics on to it that a member wanted to see.

24 Jun, 2012
Further to my answer on part one, I think this has gone too far for the milk treatment. It looks saveable for future years though so go to a local, decent, garden centre or large nursery and get a fungicide or, if you are able to use it safely, get some Bordeaux mixture on-line and spray according to the instructions. Good luck.
25 Jun, 2012
Oh dear - second year running with this problem and still no flowers because of it. Do you think it could be the location? Off to GC now - Thanks for the help.
26 Jun, 2012
More likely all this rain. Spray it with a fungicide.
26 Jun, 2012
Looks like it. They seem very susceptible.
24 Jun, 2012