To mulch or not to mulch that is the question!
By Sgtwarpig
United States
My soil could be best described as a lot of clay. I have added a compost to the soil before planting my roses now the question is whether to mulch or not. The fact that clay soil doesnt lend itself to the best drainage should I still put mulch arount the plants to retain moisture?
29 Apr, 2008
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Wet Clay soil gets very claggy and is at its 'claggiest' in the winter months. In the warmth of summer it dries out and quickly becomes rock hard. My inclination would be to mulch well at this time of the year especially round new plants. Roses grow well on clay soils so they should do you proud. Do post a photo to let us see how they fare :-)
29 Apr, 2008
Use a mulch of organic matter and the worms will gradually pull it down into teh soil - this will vastly improve your clay soil. Good luck.
30 Apr, 2008
Have you tried bark around ?A lot of good offers around.
29 Apr, 2008