By Annelise
United Kingdom
Could someone tell me if this is Clematis Wilt please?
Gosh all of a sudden, things are going wrong in a particular area of my garden. First the big mildew problem and now this! Didn't think it was wilt at first as the Clem had a lot of flowers recently but then after googling images began to wonder?
Thinking now if the probs are connected to this particular planting area?

26 Jun, 2012
No its not wilt but I don't know what it is.
26 Jun, 2012
We get similar markings on our Clematis, every year. It does not seem to affect the flowering. We ignore it.
26 Jun, 2012
Same as Owdboggy, I get it on some of my clematis, doesn't affect them permanently and they still flower.
26 Jun, 2012
Red Spider mite ! you had me panicking for a moment BB - lol
26 Jun, 2012
lol...nice one bilbo! I have been having the same conversation with Julia, about the brown leaves. I get this and I can't decide whether it isn't just the cold that gets to the young leaves. You'll know if you have wilt because the buds right at the top of the plant are the first to droop and then it all collapses. In that event, cut the whole lot down to the ground and hope it regrows. If the problems are at the bottom of the plant I think it is more likely to be slug damage. They strip the bark of the thin young stems and then you get problems caused by the weakening of the plant there. I did wonder if this particular problem might be a bit of downy mildew, but I really am not sure. To me it looks like cold damage. I have the same on some of mine but the flowering is unaffected, so don't worry Annelise! :D
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks everyone - that's a relief !- couldn't cope with more damaged plants in one week.
I panicked and took a lot of the stems off - as long as I get more flowering they'll be fine I guess.
27 Jun, 2012
May 2011, I posted a question/photos of my A 12 year old Clematis 'Madame Baron- Veillard which had dark brown spots and some yellowing of the lower leaves. My being a great fan of Epsom salts it was suggested I try it. I gave it a 1/2 acup of Epsom salts around the roots and watered it in and repeated it after 6 weeks.
It worked so well that by July I posted the top picture on the question so the difference could be seen.
The browning started again this spring but the Epsom salts I now give every time I give my roses some, seems to stop it. It may not work for everyone but its worth a try Annelise?
27 Jun, 2012
Awh, you're back where you belong Drc726
I wrote in my gardening diary about the info you gave me previously Re: Epsom salts - it seems a good dose works for a lot of things - lol. Will certainly try that with the Clems & take a look at your blog.
Ps - and don't you dare think of ever leaving again, valued member!!!!!!
27 Jun, 2012
I have the same problem with mine. I'd wondered if it was being waterlogged after all this rain as the containers they're in don't have very good drainage, but having looked at your 2011 question Drc I might try the Epsom salts and see if it helps.
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks Annelise. Its worth giving it a go Geranium! I find quite a few of my plants such as roses get short of magnesium in my heavy clay. In my very first garden my father in law told me about using Epsom Salts for my roses on my clay soil. Its a very old trick gardeners used a lot more in the past. You can now buy EP fertilizers but I get mine in large tubs from the chemist much cheaper.
27 Jun, 2012
I've been out already Drc - I have one of those large tubs of Epsom salts from the chemist in my bathroom for my own use so figured I could share a bit with my plants! I'm going to do an experiment as the clematis are in two containers, so one container has had a small amount of Epsom salts and the other has been left as it is, so I can compare the two in a few weeks time.
27 Jun, 2012
Please let us see the results if any? good luck.
27 Jun, 2012
Will do. Thanks :-)
27 Jun, 2012
I have the same - leaves turning brown exactly as is in the picture on this post. It is not Clematis wilt. Did somebody say Red Spider Mite? Is that what this is? Some of the leaves are chewed. I have previously watered it with a nematode solution for snails and slugs; also a seaweed feed (not at the same time, obviously!) and now a horticultural mix of oil and washing up soap, watered down, for this brown leaf thingy.
I have a very heavy clay soil.
Should I continue with the horticultural soap mix that I was advised to make up and spray the leaves with or should I try the Epsom salt route? I found on another website that the dosage is 1/4 - 1/2 cup Epsom salts to a gallon of water. Is that about right?
If I continue with the soap spray, how often do I do it? Does anybody know?
Sorry about all the questions!
17 Jul, 2020
I would just try the Epsom salts remedy. Contact Geranium member for the quantity as I am not too sure. I have just learnt to live with the leaves like this as it doesn’t affect flowering etc.
19 Jul, 2020
Thanks, Annelise
19 Jul, 2020
Previous question
I have got a little of that on the very bottom of one of my very healthy clems so I too will be interested in the answer.
26 Jun, 2012