By Pdb
United Kingdom
Can anyone ID this please.

27 Jun, 2012
Lady Essex above is not far off - its common name is Cape Fuchsia, and its proper name is Phygelius rectus, don't know the variety without seeing the flowers.
27 Jun, 2012
If you have phygelius rectus, devils tears, you will probably have it for life, it would drive the devil to tears trying to get rid of it, any piece of root left in the ground will shoot up again, and it spreads like mad, Derek.
27 Jun, 2012
Derekm, I think this is the yellow one - I have this one and African Queen and for some reason, the yellow one isn't as bad. African Queen is the very devil, spreads like billyo, as you say, I hack it out every year and just leave a bit.
27 Jun, 2012
Many thanks guys. Upon a closer inspection and the flowers have opened more now it does look like Cape Fushia. I didn't realise that they are also shrubs.
I have the red one and its never really done much in terms of flowers and size but I can see it has spread so I will keep a close eye on it for getting out of hand.
28 Jun, 2012
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Looks like a fuschia leaf but not too sure, lets see what everyone else says :o)
27 Jun, 2012