By Carrotless
United Kingdom
My veg plot looks like Sleeping Beauty's castle. Everything is alive, no sign of pests or disease (apart from blackfly on broad beans, which I squidge), but nothing is actually growing. With the warm, wet weather, I'd expect it to be romping away, yet kale, broccoli, chard, spinach, french beans, etc, etc are pretty much the same size as when planted out 4-6 weeks ago (ie about 2 inches tall). At this rate I'll be picking my first cabbage in time for Christmas lunch! I live in the West Country, the plot is walled, south-facing, half was manured last year, limed the year before. Any ideas what's going on?
27 Jun, 2012
Agree we are all going to have to be patient and hope the weather improves!
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks guys. Glad it's not just me!
28 Jun, 2012
I have the same problem with plug plant buzzy lizzies, they should have romped away as well as very slow growing pea plants and everything veggy I put in from seed. I live in the north and put it down to lack of sun as well as the chilly spring, warm and overcast weather does not provide as much photosynthesising as bright days (what is a bright day? has been so long......) and as we all know photosynthesis is what provides a plant's energy to grow, feeds provide optimal mineral balance for growth to occur but we need that sunlight!
27 Jun, 2012