By Lynnedelou
United Kingdom
Help! something is eating my Cosmos and also any summer bulb that shows above the soil.
The first cosmos to go were abt 1 foot away from the bed edge amongst other plants. this bed had a low 'fence' to stop the pigeons landing. All cosmos were about 8 - 10" high and disappeared or in one case left as a 2" stalk! they disappeared between 10a.m and 4 p.m. Another one has gone today in another border, the plant was set back about 1- 11/2foot. i put pointed sticks around the front of the bed. all that is left is a stalk abt 3" high. What is it?
27 Jun, 2012
Mine were eaten right the way down by slugs
27 Jun, 2012
i'd say slugs/snails. they are every where with all this rain.
27 Jun, 2012
Hi SBG I am collecting 1.5 litre bottles of the things every day yuck!!!!!
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks for the comments but I don't believe it is slugs. This morning I had more bulbs dug up, in particular an iris that had been 'excavated'. I did see a mouse this morning near where my other bulbs have gone but there are also cosmos there untouched so far!
28 Jun, 2012
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« My veg plot looks like Sleeping Beauty's castle. Everything is alive, no sign...
Interesting. I would like to know the answer as well.
27 Jun, 2012