By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Is it too late to plant peas for a second crop
27 Jun, 2012
i hope not as i planted some at the weekend. they are just breaking surface now. :o)
27 Jun, 2012
ive had really bad luck with peas this year, ive had maybe 3 grow and die out of about 50 seeds -.-
27 Jun, 2012
I also planted some more at the weekend (Lincoln variety) and am hoping that with this odd weather we are having that they will grow and provide a good crop later on. You have nothing to lose so go for it!
27 Jun, 2012
Protect from pigeons, difficult for voles or mice. If you have problems with mice then soak the peas in paraffin before planting.
28 Jun, 2012
I have!!! The weather has been rubbish. the dam slugs and snails have eaten 2 lots of my peas. However Im trying really hard not to get upset. What have you got to loose?
27 Jun, 2012