By Cornishsally
United Kingdom
Help - what do I do with a plant I hate? I have a cottage style garden & grow things like sweetpeas, Rudbeckias, heleniums, dahlias, climbing roses etc as well as soft fruit and vegetables.I was given two lovely roses for my birthday - great, they are in and doing well - but today someone else gave me a socking great phoenix palm and I hate them! And, so I suspect so do the slugs! The one time I might welcome them. Any suggestions for how to cope with this?!
28 Jun, 2012
a delicate excuse about how it is too "impressive / imposing" for your garden (if they should ask about it) and you knew someone who really liked their palms so donated it to them? I really dont know- plant it "badly" and have it die of natural causes? It's a toughie with unwanted gifts :S
28 Jun, 2012
I would suggest planting it in a position that is as exposed as possible, do not wrap it up for the winter, and hope for a lot of cold weather to kill it off, shouldn,t take much they like a minimum temp of 50 deg f, Derek.
28 Jun, 2012
Don't even consider planting it. This is your garden to create and enjoy, given it is too late to say 'thank you this does not fit into my garden' either give it away or dump in the compost bin... your garden is where you express you! Good luck MG
28 Jun, 2012
Is there a local charity that have Open Gardens (here in Berkshire, both the Red Cross and Air Ambulance have gardens open during the summer)? They may appreciate an extra plant to sell
28 Jun, 2012
Offer it on Freecycle.
28 Jun, 2012
Thank you all! It's difficult though, isn't it? Sometimes people give you plants & say "I found this & thought it was pretty but if you don't like it please say so or chuck it out (or whatever)" but when someone says "I got you this for your birthday" it's harder to say 'I don't want it' without causing offense. Bit like being given a hideous picture/vase. I never buy people things that are for display for just that reason - taste is such a personal thing and I would hate to impose mine on someone else!
28 Jun, 2012
I got given a plant I hate when my friend and his partner moved to France. It was in a very small pot and somehow I 'forgot' to water it :-/
28 Jun, 2012
Ill have it!!! lol.... I love palms and have a few myself! ;)
29 Jun, 2012
It is a tricky question I agree Cornishsally. Fortunately anyone who knows Bulba and myself would not consider buying a plant or shrub for us without asking advice first. We do however have some rather odd ornaments which tend to end up in a charity shop or loiter forgotten in a corner.
29 Jun, 2012
Perhaps if you explained that it doesn't really 'fit' with the style of garden you have, and ask where it was bought, you may be able to exchange it for something you do like. Just a thought...
29 Jun, 2012
I would give it away on freecycle or gumtree (both free). I have a Dragon tree houseplant that I am bored of that is now in the back garden awaiting frost!
29 Jun, 2012
Which, given our British 'summer' this year, ought to be any day soon! :-)
29 Jun, 2012
Will one of your local charity shops or a friend doing a car boot sale take it. ? Or would a friend or neighbour like it ?
28 Jun, 2012