By Tedr
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have a potted fig tree and every year I get a lovely supply of figs I eat them regulary but I like my figs dried .
Can anybody tell me how to dry them .
30 Jun, 2012
The ones you buy in the supermarkets are usually sun dried in the hot countries, like Turkey, where they are grown .
In the UK, the only reliable way to do this is with a proper electric food dryer. Although rather pricey, I'd recommend the Excalibur brand, which you can use to dry tomatoes, peppers, almost anything in fact. (Also great for rising bread and making yoghourt!)
Trying to dry them in the sun in the British climate is a waste of time.
The other method is in a very slow warm oven, but that is quite costly in fuel and often results in 'cooking' the fruit rather than drying them.
30 Jun, 2012
Gosh Ted each to their own but I love my figs fresh and would never consider drying them.
30 Jun, 2012
I tried fig vinegar the other day - it was heavenly - you just steep the cut figs in a white wine vinegar for 2 months, then strain & bottle. (just the same method as making fig schnapps....except use vodka instead of vinegar...)
30 Jun, 2012
Just look up ' how to dry figs' on the internet - there are lots of answers there.
30 Jun, 2012