By Ianhenderson
United Kingdom
Hi There--Here's a poser! I bought on recommendation from a garden centre last year, EXOCHARDA MACRANTHA "THE BRIDE". I was told it was ideal for growing against a wooded fence. Howvever, it's a year old now, about 2 1/2 ft and has developed, what I now understand to be it's expected weeping habit. Has anyone ever tried or succeeded to train or at least tie along a fence? I have a feeling it may look a bit odd? Maybe I've made a bad choice and as it probably gets too big(only a limited space), I'm maybe best cutting my losses (so to speak). Any suggestions of a replacement against a 6ft high wooden fence with about 4ft overall space to spread? Not Clematis, Honeysuckle ,Pyracantha or Ivy. Perhaps something with year round interest?--( Guess I'm being fussy now!)I'm looking for a mastermind out there to help on this one--sorry no pic at moment ( fence west facing)--Thnks Ian
30 Jun, 2012
I have the same problem with my seems to be a bit slow to get going. This year it is very definitely 'weeping' and I need to get in to tie it to the support wires. Lovely plant though. As an alternative I would suggest Euonymus...oh, I see Bamboo already has. I have E. fortuneii 'Emerald and Gold' but it does take an age to get going...sits there looking at you for about 3 years and then goes off like a rocket and makes an absolutely beautiful evergreen fence covering plant! :D
30 Jun, 2012
Yea, Snoop, but you're good with veggies and what I know about those could be written on the head of a pin, as you know...
30 Jun, 2012
or a small climbing rose...
30 Jun, 2012
Hi Ian, Terratoonie did a blog back in April about this shrub. If you type Terratoonie into the search box and find the blog named EXOCHARDA ... I love the blossom, you'll see she has it growing nicely up a fence.
Mine is in an island bed and weeping although I believe you can have them growing against a fence or stand alone :-)
As a replacement there is always Passion Flower.
30 Jun, 2012
Thanks, Dawn for referring to my blog where I've successfully grown Exochorda Macrantha The Bride against a 7ft fence with trellis in front. I've tied the branches carefully to accentuate the beautiful weeping habit of the Exochorda.
My blog link =
Snoop is right. It can look lovely against a fence and doesn't grow all that quickly. Don't dig it out. They can look gorgeous !
I have evergreens such as Berberis and Pyracantha growing nearby to provide some winter interest.
1 Jul, 2012
Hi TT :). Glad you saw the question. Just goes to show that blogs such as yours are brilliant for reference.
1 Jul, 2012
Thanks Dawn :o)))
2 Jul, 2012
Exochorda is a lovely plant - but if you wanted something that went up and out in front of the fence, its not going to do that, Ian (sorry, Snoop...)
Does it have to be a plant you can 'train' so that its flat against the fence, or can it be something freestanding that gets 6 by 4? I was wondering about Euonymus japonica 'aureopicta' - upright growth, no flowers worth mentioning, but can be clipped, has bright evergreen variegation, looks great in winter, but its freestanding.
30 Jun, 2012