small flys on patio rose
By Zoostrel
Co Durham,
United Kingdom
Ive noticed that my patio rose has lots of small white and greenfly massed all over the stems,what do i do to get rid of them?
2 Jun, 2009
Yes, washing up liquid will work. As it's viscous, the 'fly' can't get a grip.
If however, you don't mind chemical solutions, then there are many sprays out there. I use 'Roseclear' for my roses and it always sorts them out. It's a systemic spray, so gets right through to the roots and kills the bugs straight away and any new ones that chance their luck too.
2 Jun, 2009
all my roses are having the smae problem so have been letting my lil girl do as i did with my mums roses
spraying soapy water.
x x x
3 Jun, 2009
Water and squidging by hand is what I do then wait for ladybird larvae to come and much any left over. The problem with chemicals is that they kill the baddies and the goodies too. If you can be a little patient, I am certain natural predators will help you out!
3 Jun, 2009
A non chemical spray, if you're interested, is Seaweed solution. Pests detest the taste of it.
3 Jun, 2009
Try using a solution of water and washing up liquid. I read this advice/answers from the good people on GOY and it works for me. I'm sure you can buy a lot of sprays from local gardening centres but try this first.
2 Jun, 2009