please can someone identify this clematis ?
By Hyacinth
west sussex,
United Kingdom
it was a stragly bit of half dead string when i picked it up of my neices patio ...i planted it year before last and this year have been blessed with 6 delighful blooms ...i have very little knowledge of varieties of clematis and would love to know the name of this one ...thankyou
On plant

2 Jun, 2009
yes it is in flower now i would say it is a shade darker..very lilac in colour.the centres are like thich hairs with yellow tips and about 1"long ...i hope that maeks sense!
2 Jun, 2009
Well, the centres definitely sound right for the Perle d' Azur and although it looks lilac, it's probably one of the Blue Clematis.
Of course, the problem with colours on the internet is the difference in our monitors.
Maybe somebody else will be along with more suggestions, Hyancith but we do know it's a group 3 anyway. :o)
2 Jun, 2009
mmmmmmm group 3 ? really dumb re clematis...i have 4 ...only know the name of 1 because i bought it ..and thats the all tips very gratefully recieved,i really like them all 4 of them
2 Jun, 2009
Group 3 is a hard prune one. I do mine in the spring. Cut them back to about 30 cms from the ground to a nice pair of leaf axils. They flower on this seasons growth, so as long as they're pruned before the next season's flowering period, they're easy. :o) They'll regrow from the base and often new shoots from underground too.
Your armandii is Group 1 and should be pruned after flowering. They produce new growth from the previous seasons growth, so just take off old dead or damaged stuff. This allows new growth to start and ripen and strengthen ready for the next year.
2 Jun, 2009
thankyou very helpful..when the others flower i will post the pics for ID lol ...
kind regards
2 Jun, 2009
theres one called comtesse de bouchaud and it looks similar with petals and colour but yours looks much bigger than the pic i got so wouldnt know for sure
3 Jun, 2009
If you take a look on my pictures I have posted a photo of Mrs Chalmondeley which was in flower for the last month just going over
3 Jun, 2009
It could also be HF Young - can you tell us when exactly it started flowering? Is this the first one? Just for interest's sake, the colour of the stamens is important for ID purposes, and the only reason you might want to ID it correctly is so you know which prune group it's in. If it's just started flowering, it probably is in prune group 3, as Llew says above.
3 Jun, 2009
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Previous question
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Is it flowering now? What are the centres like when fully open? Is this an accurate colour pic or is it a bit darker?
It could be a C. Ascotiensis or more likely, a C. 'Perle d' Azur' as the tips look recurved on your pic.
If it is, it is a Group 3 for pruning. One of the easiest luckily.
2 Jun, 2009