By Samz429
United States
We live in the San Joaquin Valley, where it is very hot, no humidity. Looking for flowers and plants that will survive the heat we endure. Normally runs in the triple digits. Have one maple tree plants and appears to be dying.
Thank you ! ! !
16 Jul, 2012
Desert cacti and other succulents that can stand long periods of heat although we were in Luxor in Egypt) on vacation a few years ago and the hotels manages to grow just about everything with the correct irrigation such as sprinklers. Have a look at the link below this list plants that grow in your valley Deserts
17 Jul, 2012
Also try
18 Jul, 2012
I have found two sites you might want to look at - and - and they both have some good advice. Also you could try orange/lemon/olive trees, eucalyptus, cacti, desert mallow and California poppy. Good luck with your search.
17 Jul, 2012