By Chino
United Kingdom
Hi. I have three tomato plants in my greenhouse with plenty of fruit on them,but also plenty of leaves,more than I normally get,can I remove a lot of these so that more light will get to the fruit. Also why have they got all these leaves. I use tomorite to feed them. I grow them in bottomless tomato pots embedded in grow bags but this has never happened before. Help!!!!!
17 Jul, 2012
Oh dear. I do hope its not too late now for them to fruit although its looking that way. One year it happened to me,I got some small ones but they never ripened,they did make good chutney
17 Jul, 2012
No need to remove any leaves apart from those up to the first truss.
Not sure if lack of sun is the reason for lack of fruit. Mine are producing as normal. Ripening is a bit slower though.
17 Jul, 2012
The grayer the days, and the higher the humidity, the lusher and broader the foliage will be. Full, bright sun, and dry weather makes the leaflets grow narrower and slightly in-rolled.
18 Jul, 2012
Thanks to all responses. We have lovely sunshine today here in Devon. My husband is out in the garden declaring war on the Voles which are playing havock on a patch of the lawn. Has anyone any ideas how to tackle them. I beleive they breed like mad, if thats the case we shall no lawn left.
19 Jul, 2012
Chilli pepper works for me. Others recommend the flakes as they don't need replacing as often.You can get big bags frion asian shops.
19 Jul, 2012
Mine are the same although not all of them have fruit, a lot have huge long trusses of flowers but because of the lack of sun, no fruit yet. I think summer is being forecast in the next couple of days so we might be lucky and get some much needed sun. I have taken off more leaves than usual this year.
17 Jul, 2012