plants that thrive in wet @ boggy ground
By Sandybhoy
United Kingdom
the border at the end of my garden gets very wet and doesnt drain quickly. hostas, astilbes and certain irises thrive. can anyone suggest any other plants especially anything evergreen, and anything with colour
3 Jun, 2009
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wet soil plants
Candlebra Primulas like P. bulleyana like it, as do Ligularias. There are several sorts, all beautiful. Rodgersia, and if you fancy a real statement - how about a Gunnera!!! I also grow Lythrum salicaria on my stream can either buy named species like 'Robert' or grow the 'wild' sort from seed.. I like them just as much as 'Robert'.
3 Jun, 2009
what about some ferns? cant put ant names at this time of night as i cant get to my books.
3 Jun, 2009
Matteuca is a wet-lover. I can't think of the second bit of its name.
3 Jun, 2009
I would go with Spritzhenry's list and add skunk cabbage to it.
4 Jun, 2009
Lobelia vedrariensis, tall, purple, stunning, Trollius cultorum 'Alabaster', very beautiful, pale flowers in spring, Osmunda regalis is a fern which likes damp soil, Rodgesia tabularis with white flowers is a favourite and perhaps strangely, I have found that Knautia 'Melton Pastels' grows very well pond side. Not sure if they would cope with being permanently wet, but might just be worth a try. Also, Eupatorium.
4 Jun, 2009
Perennial Lobelia Cardinal Flower is suitable , but not all varieties are totally hardy, However Lobelia syphilitica, is a fine blue flowered hardy perennial that will grow in wet or dry conditions, reaches thice the height in moist conditions.
3 Jun, 2009