white flower for small planting project?
By Franl155
I have a project in mind, but I need to find right plant for it. What I'm looking for is a very small plant wth masses of very small flowers that are as white as possible, as much white showing as possible - low-growing and clump- or mat-forming.
I should say "plants" plural, rather then expecting to find a single plant that'll do what I want. I want the effect of a mat of white, whether one plant or several.
Any suggestions?
19 Jul, 2012
I was also thinking of Phlox sublata such as 'White delight' or 'White'. or a variegated Snow-On-The-Mountain, the other one that comes to mind is Alpine Dianthus such as 'Diandeltoides ‘Albus’.
For quick results till others grow there are quite a few white ground cover annuals such as Alyssum 'Snow carpet'.
19 Jul, 2012
Arenaria montana 'Avalanche'
or Cornus canadensis also known as creeping dogwood
19 Jul, 2012
If it is just for the summer (ha ha that we are not having.) you can get white lobelia.
19 Jul, 2012
wow, thanks for so many suggestions! I'll check them all out, thank you all so much
lol i didn't want to say what the project is in case it don't work out - if it does I can do a bit of a ta-da!
ps - or ground cover plant??
19 Jul, 2012
The white Bacopa sold for hanging baskets puts on a good show all summer long. Very free flowering and very pretty.
19 Jul, 2012
Agree with Bacopa Fran. It sometimes lasts over winter and refreshes with dead heading and a feed too.
21 Jul, 2012
thanks for those suggestions, hope I'll be able to report progress one of these days [ha!]
25 Jul, 2012
Previous question
« Here's the photo should have been with previous q' Queenie
Arabis and Iberis ( perennial candytuft) and a low growing Phlox called Snowflake might be possibles.
19 Jul, 2012