What are these bees doing
By Lorraineabdy
United Kingdom
We have a tall red flowered thistle like plant in our back garden, sorry I don't know what it is called. I noticed a few days ago that there was a bee under every flower. Since then they have come up onto the flowers to feed but are now back under them again (it is raining).
We try to maintain a wildlife friendly garden but I have never seen this before. Anybody know whats going on?
7 Jun, 2009
And your plant is probably cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum'
7 Jun, 2009
meaning what please andrew ,that it is a thistle family perhaps ? take care bye for now
7 Jun, 2009
I think Andrewr's right. I have a large clump of these and its always covered with bees. Fabulous plant.
7 Jun, 2009
i agree thanx andrew
7 Jun, 2009
well i have a globe artichoke which is related to a thistle .when in flower the bees actualy get drunk as such on the pollen and just cant move.you can touch them gently even and all they do is buzz rather than fly off or do anything about it lol.they even buzz slowly and out of tune if you like lol i love it lol
7 Jun, 2009