is it advisable to plant eucalyptus gunii near to your home
By Gfingers
my neighbour has one and it must be sixty foot and im starting to get worried as it is beside my house
7 Jun, 2009
When I was doing my training, we were told that this particular tree was the deepest rooting tree of all. Spritzhenry's right, large trees shouldn't be planted within 40 to 50 feet of a house, but probably your neighbour is unaware of that.
7 Jun, 2009
my neighbour is aware of the tree as i have spoken to her about it but is reluctant to do anything as she loves the tree yes it is about eight foot from my house
16 Jun, 2009
Far too close - does your neighbour realise that your foundations are at risk? How far is it from them?
16 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« It has recently flowered and has a very strong and not unpleasant aroma. I'd...
Any trees too near a house can pose problems, as the root systems spread out too and can damage foundations. It might be an idea to chat to your neighbours about it - is it near their house as well?
7 Jun, 2009