Rhubarb seed production procedure
I would like my patch of rhubarb to produce some seeds, I have 4 plants I let two plants grow one seed pod each, do I have to cross polinate them ? what steps are involed.The patch is 30 yrs old Very healthy some stocks are over two feet high, we pick it alot each year. Thanks Ed
10 Jun, 2009
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i'm inclined to agree with sid on this one. you can buy named varieties seed. the one you have will produce seed but as sid says it may not be exactly as the original.
10 Jun, 2009
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I haven't heard of propagating rhubard from seed.....I suspect the resultant plants would not be identical to the parents and may be weaker/poorer plants. A better way to increase your stock would be to divide an established clump.
10 Jun, 2009