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By Linmar

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Have had a Cydonia Oblonga 'Vranja' (Quince) tree for about 15 yrs and every year think this will be the one when it will bear loads of fruit but never had much and now its suffering bacterial leaf blotches; practically all the leaves have turned yellow/brown & dropped. Spent all this morning raking up as much as possible. Seriously considering getting rid of tree but just hoping someone can convince me otherwise.



Wish I could help - just want to sympathise!

16 Aug, 2012


Thanks for that. However, the Quince has had a reprieve. My neighbour has agreed that my tree/pond man who's to do some major cutting back plus removing 3 dead shrubs the end of this month, can remove her large Leilandii hedge that runs along the fence that the Quince tree backs on to - it probably takes all the goodness from the ground. He'll dig in plenty of manure/compost and see what happens next year. Its already grown some new leaves.

17 Aug, 2012

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