By Celiamaud
Cumbria, United Kingdom
Is this indigofera? It's a tall, sub-shrubby perennial with blue pea-flowers. If indigofera, which one?
- 14 Aug, 2012
We had a similar question recently, and the plant was identified by Owdboggy - all I remember is the name began with G, and its not Indigofera. There was a suggestion it was a vetch, but the final ID was something beginning with G that I now can't remember. Not much use really, am I, sorry...
15 Aug, 2012
Thank you! In fact, the 'g' was all I needed to identify this plant as Galega. G.orientalis. Haven't looked further to see if there's a white form, but wouldn't surprised if there is.
So you see, even if you're not certain about your information, any hint or clue can prove useful.
15 Aug, 2012
Ah yes, that was it, Galega...
15 Aug, 2012
Ah so that is what my plant is, I knew it was sommat alba. It was given to me with the label of Indigofera, but I had my doubts. Now i can safely say it's a galega. Now to track down the variety.
15 Aug, 2012
It does look very much like the plant i have, down to the stems, But i have an alba and sorry i have no idea what your variety could possibly be.
15 Aug, 2012