By Marylewis
United Kingdom
what are the best miniture rockery plants please
Asked from the GoYpedia
wellies page
18 Aug, 2012
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rockery ideas
The best minature rockery plants are the ones that you like, Mary. Go to the Garden Center, or better still a local alpine nursery, and select the small ones that appeal to you.
18 Aug, 2012
Very true Bulba, any plant that you like is the one for you, it doesn,t matter what anyone else thinks, Derek.
19 Aug, 2012
I would advise maybe go to the garden centre and look around. write a list then check them out on the net. There are a lot of plants out there in GC's for sale as rockery plants that are not always as hardy as specified. And some do some daft things like walk off the rockery and spread everywhere. i have recently been told that our local GC was selling one of the Oxalis plants............... Not always a good idea.
22 Aug, 2012
Alpine plants are ideal for a rockery but also consider dwarf conifers and dwarf hebes for all year evergreen interest. For the spring you could plant bulbs such as daffodils and alliums (again dwarf varieties).
24 Aug, 2012
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Hi Mary.
Maybe some useful suggestions on GoYpedia Rockery Ideas :o)
I hope this helps.
Click on Rockery Ideas by the star above.
18 Aug, 2012