which clematis is this?
By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
The flowers are about 6" across. the petals are quite thin too.
On plant

13 Jun, 2009
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clematis plants
Looks like Hagley Hybrid to me
14 Jun, 2009
To me too Bamboo.
14 Jun, 2009
I agree it does look like Hagley Highbred, I was looking for something more unusual for SBG
14 Jun, 2009
hubby bought it for a pound as he wanted something to grow over and arch quick and cheerful. hagley hybrid does ring a very dim bell. thanks all.
14 Jun, 2009
Clematis Hagley Hybrid. I have the clematis in my garden.
Greetings from Holland
7 Aug, 2009
thanks for that cora and welcome to GoY
7 Aug, 2009
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Hello S.B.G try comparing the following to see if one of them match, so many different types with so little difference! UNZEN, NELLY MOZER, JIM DARNALL, PINK FANTASY, or JOHN PAUL 11.
14 Jun, 2009