By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi All
Bind weed on my allotment any ideas how to get rid of I am looking at strimming it down and digging out as much root as possible and maybe using some sort of weed killer. Would this work or is there any other way all ideas welcome
26 Aug, 2012
If you strim it you cut it into many pieces, all of which will try to root!
26 Aug, 2012
i have found spraying roundup type weedkillers from september on quite effective. the weedkiller gets taken down into the underground storage parts. and then those sections die off over winter. I tend to spray 3 times beginning/mid/end september. as the plant is also getting ready for winter dormancy it will translocate the poison down.
26 Aug, 2012
I agree not to strim, you need the top growth to be there to take the spray down.....
26 Aug, 2012
Spray several lengths together put into a plastic bag tie it up and leave until dead. The weed killer needs to get to the roots to do the job. Good luck.
30 Aug, 2012
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I think the only solution apart from Roundup/glyphosate is to cover the area with black polythene or carpet for a year or two (or three!!!)
26 Aug, 2012