By Derekm
United Kingdom
Hi all, I,m a bit confused, yesterday I bought a Clematis montana, I didn,t notice it had 2 labels on it, the 1 attatched to the plant just said Clematis montana, flowers early to mid spring, the other label, one of those with a picture on it said, Clematis montana "tetrarose" flowers july - september, I was under the impression that all montana flowered early, any suggestions please, Derek.
26 Aug, 2012
I am not familiar with Tetrarose but looking at a few web sites they seem to agree with May to June.
26 Aug, 2012
My Montanas flower in the spring and I see specifically my Clematis montana rubens 'Tetrarose' was flowering on the 2nd of May last year when I posted a photo of it.
26 Aug, 2012
Thanks for your comments, I think the july - september must be a printing error, { I,ll find out in about 8 or 9 months time}, that,s the only problem with the nursery I go to, most of their plants don,t even have a label, they just have a sign on the bench, ie, Clematis £5-50, but better than paying £12-50 at the big garden centre next door to them, and they,re usually bigger, and better quality plants, thanks again , Derek.
26 Aug, 2012
Well I would say the first label is right as Tetrarose flowers from May to June.
26 Aug, 2012