What is this furry and abundant being called?!
Currently Somerset,
United Kingdom
I bought this unnamed shrub/flower/herb (???) thinking it was sage as it was tiny at the time and had the same whitey furry-ish leaves like sage (although there was no scent which should have had me realsiing I was being conned!). As it was growing rapidly in every pot I tried I planted it out this year and wow, it has gone MAD to a patch of about three foot square. My neighbour who cuts my grass said 'oh look, rabbit's ears' as the leaves are long and soft (and that is what he knew it as when he was a child). The plant is now also flowering! What is this delicious and surprising visitor to my garden and will it ever stop spreading!? THANK YOU
On plant
Surprise me!

14 Jun, 2009
i do believe it is Stachys Bizantina, taller than lanata but just as pretty..
14 Jun, 2009
Looks like its a Stachys something then...will investigate this variety...sorry to sound dozy, is it a variety or a species or a genus? With plants what do you say? Thanks for the input to Stevebuk and Bamboo
14 Jun, 2009
It is Stachys' byzantina', known here as Lambs Tongue or bunnies ears...I used to have it, but it became too big and straggly, so i took it out.....the foliage is nice but i dont care for the flowers......
14 Jun, 2009
Species refers to the stachys bit, and variety refers to the next bit of the name, as in "lanata" or 'byzantina'
15 Jun, 2009
sorry bamboo but Stachys is the genus and then the lanata bit is the species name.
the genus name has a capital letter and the species part a lower case letter. but that is only if we are being pedantic. :o)
15 Jun, 2009
Thanks for all your imput. Stachys seems to be a very abundant and enthusiastic sort anyway! Havent had any bees/butterflies sampling its wares yet so wondering if it should be allowed to get any bigger... THANKS TO YOU ALL
18 Jun, 2009
Looks like one of the Stachys lanata varieties - not sure which, too tired to get my books out to give you the full name!
14 Jun, 2009