hi all i have wallflowers in pot 2yrs old but stems are bare and few small flowers at tip shud i plant it in ground maybe do better any tips appreciated
By Mobee
Armagh Ireland,
hope i can get wallflower plant back as they have lovely smell in summer evenings
14 Jun, 2009
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Hi Mobee, are you talking about perennial wallflowers? which could be cut back, mulched up and fed with liquid manure to produce new growth and flowers.
15 Jun, 2009
ooh, that's true!
Mobee, either post a photo for someone here to ID yr wallflowers to see what type they are, or do you still have their name on a label maybe?
15 Jun, 2009
havent got label weeding dont know a lot about them but always loved there fragrance thanks so much for offer of seeds really nice of you have to get son to do photo bit only have laptop 2wks find it scary sometimes lol
15 Jun, 2009
hi doctorbob1 i think theymight be as i said to weeding idont know anything much bout them wud love to as i think they are a really lovely old flower thanks for tip
15 Jun, 2009
Hello Mobee. Wallflowers are only biennials, so these are about to give up soon really. You can plant seeds again now to enjoy vigorous new plants next Spring. I seem to have several hundred, so if you'd like some send me yr address in a PM.
They do have a wonderful scent don't they.
15 Jun, 2009