United Kingdom
I brought 2 flourishing hydrangeas back from Italy which had been in pots for at least 3 years and had grown very well. On my return I planted them in a shady spot in acid soil compost. Last year they came up well, but the flowers were much paler, almost white, whereas previously they had been pink.I have always pruned them back in the autumn.
This year, although there is good leaf growth, there appear to be no flower buds. I have given them the appropriate fertilizer always.
What should I do please?|
What should I do
15 Jun, 2009
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The fertilizer is for hydrangeas and is in a pellet form. It comes from Italy and has a picture of hydrangeas on the box. I have used it before. Did you want the chemical formula?
Thank you for your help.
I have pruned the plants before in the autumn, as soon as the heads are dead, as it looks tidier, but recently have read that they shouldn't be pruned until spring as you say. Suppose there's nothing to do except wait until next year. Thank you anyway.
16 Jun, 2009
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these plants shouldn't really be pruned in the autumn - tidying up should be left till the end of April (even the spent flower heads), at which point growth will have started, and you'll be able to see which bits are dead and which aren't, and you can then remove flowerheads, dead stems, nip out dead tops. So it may be that you cut off this year's flowers when you pruned last year. And what's the "appropriate" fertiliser you're using?
15 Jun, 2009