how often do cordeline flower
By Honeybee
United States
mine is in the garden about 4 foot tall and about 3 ft round it has 8 flower spikes on when it flowers does it die
15 Jun, 2009
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They will flower once in any one year.
15 Jun, 2009
I've seen flowers in May 2 feet high and as much across on quite a small cordyline, very attractive.
What about branching. Do they tend to branch after flowering or only when tip tip gets frosted?
15 Jun, 2009
What do the flowers look like?
12 Jul, 2010
Have a look under C at the bottom of the page, Teddygirl, must be some pics there with Cordylines in flower. Not very impressive is my answer to your question!
13 Jul, 2010
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No, they don't die when they've flowered - enjoy and just trim the flowering stems off when they're over
15 Jun, 2009