what is it
By Missmuck1
United Kingdom
at the back of my house i have a big bush which has big waxy green leaves it grows quite tall,it does at somepoint have berries on it it also has flowers which are quite long and resemles fluff.!!
15 Jun, 2009
Any chance of a picture/photo?. and if not do the flowers stand upright like little white fluffy candles? The leaf description you give brings to mind Prunus laurocerasus, which is evergreen and gets very large. Unless, that is, the leaves are large, soft, mid green and have about five points to them, sort of hand shaped, in which case it could be Fatsia japonica. More info or a pic please;-)
15 Jun, 2009
...or Aucuba. How big are the flowers?
15 Jun, 2009
cotinus are fluffy flowers... but gren or purple leaves, waxy ish...
15 Jun, 2009
Could it be laurel? Prunus lusitanica may be.
15 Jun, 2009