United Kingdom
Morning everyone, i was wondering you could tell me if im supposed to dead head petunia or if they do it themselves
17 Jun, 2009
Picking off the deadheads also stops the plant trying to make seed so keeps the plant much stronger. You can also cut the plant back if it starts getting straggly and it will regrow. Keep feeding them fortnightly.
17 Jun, 2009
Hi I have great success with petunias in tubs baskets etc and I pick dead heads off every time I see them the more dead heading you do the more they flourish good luck with them they will reward you with a good show all summer.
17 Jun, 2009
I agree with Inverglen above, but have to say I never deadhead my surfinia petunias and they carry on growing and flowering regardless;-)
17 Jun, 2009
I think surfinias are sterile.
17 Jun, 2009
thanks all, ill just pick them off if they become unsightly
17 Jun, 2009
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« I have an Astilbe "Arendsii Fanal" which i,ve just planted and it has one...
I always pick off the faded flower heads just because they look unsightly and take too long to completely fade away and drop off on their own. It just makes the plant look more attractive.
17 Jun, 2009