lily beetle
United Kingdom
i have had trouble with lily beetles this year, i have noticed that they have the lavea now and are covered in this brown slime, my lilies look very sick and they have eaten neally all the leaves, there are flower buds though is there anything i can do thanks :o)
17 Jun, 2009
Keep squishing and wash off the brown stuff with the larvae in.
17 Jun, 2009
Search the blogs for Lily Beetles, Helen. There's lots of info (some very recent) and I'm sure there is something you can spray with, but the name escapes me, sorry.
17 Jun, 2009
I once sqashed one of the larvae between my thumb and finger to kill it, and it got its own back by spirting me in the eye! Arrgghhh! Never again.
17 Jun, 2009
eugh thats gross...
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
Oh my goodness...that IS gross...I have never seen a lily beetle...fingers crossed...YUK..
17 Jun, 2009
lol i dont think i could squish em i have been throwing them over the fence, thankyou for all your replies and advice :o)
17 Jun, 2009
(Your neighbour will love you).
17 Jun, 2009
And they'll soon be back too, Helen. They can smell a lily from miles away, lol.
17 Jun, 2009
The best think is to just keep squishing them, I havent found any info on something to rid completely unfortunatly
maybe someone else has
fingers crossed
x x x
17 Jun, 2009