help me identify this plant
By Wendiam
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hi There - This flower is in a garden near my workplace. It is vivid yellow [but not quite orange], with 12-15in tall single blooms, the head is about 2-3 ins across, looking similar to a marguerite, but with a smaller, darker centre and 'spikier' petals. Flowering very early, late Feb/Mar until end April/May, I asked the owner what it was and he said something like dimericum [not sure of it's spelling, but that's what it sounded like]. I have googled it and searched the RHS plant finder site, but have not been successful. Can anyone help me identify this lovely plant?? Sorry no picture available.
17 Jun, 2009
Wagger, Thank you very much. I must have misheard what he said. That's it exactly. Googled it and otherwise known as Leopards Bane. Will get some for next year to go in my yellow / white bed, where it will sit very nicely.
Many Thanks
17 Jun, 2009
You're very welcome. Mishearing a name you don't know is so easy.
17 Jun, 2009
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Doronicum? Don't know which type from a description - perhaps you can google images of it.
17 Jun, 2009