When will Potatoes flower and when to gather crop?
By Mje
Cheadle Hulme Cheshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all My potatoes are now about 12 to 15 inches above top of growing sack/bag. When will they flower? When do I gather crop ? and If Ihave to empty a full bag to get the crop if anythere ! how do i store them?
18 Jun, 2009
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Thanks over the weekend I'll look at the lables again to see what I have planted and ask you if these are earlies or not if that is ok with you Ta M.
19 Jun, 2009
Thans Hobby I've checked names they are "Vivald", "Charlotte" and finally" Red Duke of York". One in I notd today was t they realy havrat few dys and that tall that on 'branch' has snappd. plenty others still there keep that stem growng. I think I need to stake them up a little soon. Can they bolt ?
Sorry some may questions in this message regards M
20 Jun, 2009
I'll try again with the above note my batteries went on the wireless keyboard sorry for the messed up message see below
Thans Hobby I've checked names they are "Vivaldi", "Charlotte" and finally" Red Duke of York". One thing I noted today was they really grown in the last few days and that that one 'branch' has snapped. plenty others still there keeping that stem growng. I think I need to stake them up a little soon. Can potatoes bolt ?
Sorry some may questions in this message regards M
20 Jun, 2009
Here's some info on your Vivaldi, Mje.
The Vivaldi potato is a cultivar of potato developed by a company called Naturally Best, based in Lincolnshire, England.
Lab studies have shown Vivaldi to be lower in calories and carbohydrates than many other popular potato varieties. The name was chosen as a reference to Antonio Vivaldi, since, as the potatoes are grown both in the UK and overseas, they are available during all "Four Seasons" of the year
Vivaldi is a Second Early variety producing oval tubers with yellow skin and pale yellow flesh and which are resistant to scab. As well as being known as ‘weight watcher’s potato’ it is also referred to as the ‘butterless baker’ as its creamy texture and flavour mean that as a baked potato, it does not even needed butter to improve its flavour! It is however good boiled, roasted, baked or mashed
I have vivaldi and noticed some flowers coming today.
23 Jun, 2009
Intersting thanks Llew so chios will help me lose weigh eh ;>) lol
23 Jun, 2009
Sorry "chios" should read "those"
23 Jun, 2009
Should I tie up my poptatoes? Now they are 2ft tall and beginning to fall in parts,
23 Jun, 2009
Give 'em plenty of water and feed, they'll soon stand up again. :o)
24 Jun, 2009
mmmmm thanks I didn't know you could feed them. What would you recommend ordinary Miracle Grow for flowers stuff ? regrads M.
24 Jun, 2009
I use Phostrogen, Mje, but miracle grow would be OK, I would think.
Pot's grow at such a rate they need loads of water and feed. Feeding them helps the tubers develop well.
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks llew I'll feed every week and water every night if not raining :>)
regards M.
26 Jun, 2009
You're welcome, hun. :o)
26 Jun, 2009
Ok my spuds are still growing well. I must admit I never did get around to feeding them but still no sign of flowers, must be getting close to flowing time surely for my spuds?
regards M
29 Jul, 2009
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Hunter Seed Potato (Second Earlies)
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Pentland Javelin Seed Potatoes (2kg)
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The answer depends on the variety you are growing. Earlies and second earlies are in flower now and you can begin to harvest as nice smallish new potatoes. If you dig gently into your bag you can harvest what you need at a time and leave the rest in the soil. If you have got a maincrop variety, don't harvest until the tops have died back. Harvest the whole lot at once, store them in a sack, raised to allow air to circulate, in a cool dark place.
19 Jun, 2009