Got seeds, still no dirt
By rain4nights
Oh, the shame! I couldn’t resist, I jumped the gun. Hopefully I did not jinx myself out of home ownership. I had created extensive spreadsheets of plants I want to order, the timing of their planting, various spacing and cultural requirements for all the basic vegetables…
So as soon as I heard “your offer on the house was accepted” I ordered a bunch of heirloom vegetable and flower seeds and seed-potatoes from the Seed Savers Exchange in a flurry of garden-desire euphoria. Wouldn’t you know, there was a miscommunication between buyer’s and listing agents, and instead there was really a counter-offer, and we are still stuck in the quagmire of negotiation.
Time is running out. I think my father-in-law may end up getting my seed potatoes (although they won’t arrive until early April). At least the seeds themselves will keep, I bought silica desiccants and everything.
Has anyone else ever foolishly bought plants that they didn’t have a spot for?
5 Mar, 2008
Previous post: No dirt yet, no garden
Next post: Rigging up seed propagation
My garden has got to the stage that I can't fit in anything shrub sized (unless something "dies" first) but just sometimes I make an impulse buy and then have to find a home for it.
5 Mar, 2008
oh no !! keep us posted, and Good Luck!
6 Mar, 2008
It's a fine madness, isn't it? You sound very organized, if a little anxious. I really hope it works out for you. I just bought a slew of seeds... in a moment of complete optimism. look forward to hearing how you fare..good luck with negotiations.
6 Mar, 2008
Been there, done that ! Three weeks before the closing on my house I bought eight Azalea bushes as the future home's front yard was very lacking in the bush department. Couldn't resist them because the price was right for the size. Lucky for me everything went smoothly and the closing took place on schedule. You never know as some problem could have come up. I was thinking garden long before I had the keys to the house in hand. Best of luck Rain4nights
6 Mar, 2008
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26 Jun, 2008
Oh dear. I am so sorry things have gone wrong for you. Hope it all comes together soon. Of course - lots of us buy plants without knowing where they are going! I always think - 'just one more' and buy My husband is quite used to me coming home from the Nursery with more plants than I went for. At least you didn't buy everything on your plan!
5 Mar, 2008