The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Resinone's Garden

Resinone has added 1 reminder.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Actea Simplex 'Pink Spice'

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Carboot Bedale spring 2016. Sulked all summer, oct now beginning to flower. Cracker!

Agapanthus Double Diamond

Added on 12 Aug, 2017 | 1 photo

Allium Aflatunense

Added on 27 Oct, 2019 | 0 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium aflatunense.

Small middle bed on right. 3x
Between dahlias. 2x

Allium Christophi

Added on 27 Oct, 2019 | 0 photos

In front of rosebed. 5x

Anemone × hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'

Added on 15 May, 2020 | 0 photos


Aquilegia Black Barlow

Added on 2 Apr, 2017 | 1 photo

Bay tree

Added on 12 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Laurus.
Species: Laurus nobilis.

Pruned down from big bushy tree to smaller standard type but with three stems instead of one.

Begonia Rex

Added on 4 Jun, 2017 | 0 photos

Cephaphalaria or Giant Scabious

Added on 31 Jul, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Cephalaria.
Species: Cephalaria gigantea.

Giant Scabious.
From June's roadside garden.
Summer 2016. Divide early spring.

Cerinthe Major Purpurascens

Added on 29 Apr, 2019 | 1 photo

Self seeded 3rd year


Added on 2 Sep, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium schoenoprasum.

White sink. Front garden tb split and moved to new rosebed.

Clematis Amber Koreana

Added on 23 Feb, 2019 | 0 photos

Pruning lightly immediately after flowering. Group 3

Clematis Arabella

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Market. June 2016
Group 3, prune Feb - March hard to first pair of buds

Clematis Petit Faucon

Added on 21 Mar, 2017 | 0 photos

Group 3, prune hard Febr-March to first pair buds

Clematis Viticicella 'Plena Elegans'

Added on 31 Jul, 2017 | 0 photos

Market. june 2017
Group 3. Prune feb-March to above lowest pair healthy buds.

Cranesbill. Mourning widow

Added on 29 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium phaeum.

June freecycle gift. Tom
Split into two plants, not sure if it is Samobor, tom didn't know, his wife is the...

Crimson Flag Lily

Added on 13 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Schizostylis.
Species: Schizostylis (Hesperantha) coccinea alba.

Clump from freecycle donor?
Can be used as pond plant or margin.


Added on 14 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Helichrysum.
Species: Helichrysum.

Just in time to cut those dreaded flowers!

Digitalis parviflora 'milk choclate'

Added on 9 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo

Van Chris July 2019

Echinacea. Pow Wow White

Added on 29 Jul, 2016 | 0 photos

Species: Echinacea. Pow Wow White.

Whitegate nurseries.
July 2016

Elderberry Black Lace

Added on 28 Jul, 2016 | 2 photos

Genus: Sambucus.
Species: Sambucus Nigra, Black Lace..

If you are growing the plant for its foliage alone, then you can give it a hard prune in early spring, but if yo...

Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve'

Added on 21 Aug, 2017 | 0 photos

Euphorbia Characias Silver Edge

Added on 6 Apr, 2017 | 1 photo

Euphorbia. Tasmanian Tiger

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 2 photos

July 2016

File/ Fatsia ‘Spider’s Web’

Added on 5 Mar, 2019 | 1 photo

Spring 2018 on n.terrace. Moved to shed border nov.
Not reverted to green and no loss of leaves.

Foxglove. Digitalis Grandiflora

Added on 2 Sep, 2016 | 1 photo

Mei 2016
Too high too windy, move both.

FUCHSIA magellanica 'Alba'

Added on 28 Mar, 2018 | 0 photos

Genus: Fuchsia.
Species: Fuchsia magellanica.

Farm ngs 2015. Cuttings.

Gentian Speedwell. Veronica Gentianoide

Added on 29 Jul, 2016 | 0 photos

Genus: Veronica.
Species: Veronica Gentianoide.

Geranium Pratense 'Dark Reiter'

Added on 2 Sep, 2016 | 1 photo

Geranium Renardii

Added on 2 Sep, 2016 | 1 photo

Geranium Sanguineum var Striatum

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Millwood Plants. Colleton Mills. Oct 2016

Geranium/Cranesbill Lilac Ice/sport from Rozanne

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 2 photos

Millwood Plants. Colleton Mills. Oct 2016

Geum Triflorum. Prairie Smoke

Added on 13 May, 2018 | 0 photos

Bed L of steps
2017 market? Sam Turner?

Grannys Bonnet

Added on 11 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: Aquilegia vulgaris.

Where did that come from I wonder??very welcome though I love the colour.

Hardy geranium unnamed

Added on 28 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Ferrensby, plant sale next to NGS open garden. July 2016

Hardy Geranium x Antipodeum. Pink Spice

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 2 photos

Species: Hardy Geranium x Antipodeum. Pink Spice.

Summer 2015 in through, divided n moved to back gdn.

Hebe 'Wild Romance'

Added on 22 Jul, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Hebe.
Species: Hebe.

B&M very sorry specimen £2 fr tlc shelve. Summer 2017.

Hellebore Atrorubens

Added on 2 Apr, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Helleborus.
Species: Helleborus atrorubens.

Jill's, moved twice.

Heuchera Black Tafetta

Added on 6 Apr, 2017 | 1 photo


Heuchera Cajun Fire

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 2 photos

Summer 2015

Heuchera CanCan

Added on 2 Sep, 2016 | 1 photo

Rescued from B&M for 80p.
sept 2016


Added on 30 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Althaea.
Species: Althaea rosea.

Van saskia maar vreselijk roest probleem.
2015 gezaaid.

Honeysuckle 'Little Honey'

Added on 19 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Lonicera.
Species: Lonicera crassifolia.

From Sue. Nov 2016
Id' by Hywel!
Think its variety 'Little Honey', as the only other one 'run...

Honeysuckle unnamed

Added on 28 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Lonicera.
Species: Lonicera unnamed.

Iris chrysographes black form

Added on 29 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

NGS plantsale further down the road.
July 2016

Iris Foetidissima

Added on 29 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Flowered for first time 2016.

Japanese Fern 'Burgundy Lace'

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Athyrium.
Species: Athyrium niponicum.

The boys. Devon oct 2016

Kalanchoe orygalis (Copper Spoons)

Added on 29 Jan, 2019 | 1 photo
Info on leaf propagating

Lady's Mantle

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Alchemilla.
Species: Alchemilla mollis.

Was ruthless, garden inundated, removed most. Still love it though!

Lathyrus latifolius broad-leaved everlasting pea

Added on 13 May, 2018 | 0 photos


Leucanthemum /Shasta Daisy

Added on 2 Jul, 2019 | 0 photos

Divide move to back of border. Early spring of late summer

Lilac small leaved, Superba

Added on 31 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Syringa.
Species: Syringa pubescens.

Marsh orchid

Added on 4 Jun, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Dactylorhiza.
Species: Dactylorhiza majalis.

Opium Poppy

Added on 24 Jul, 2016 | 3 photos

Papaver paeoniflorum, Opium Poppy, Papaver somniferum (Paeoniiflorum group)

oxalis triangularis

Added on 18 Apr, 2019 | 0 photos

Papaver Rhoeas Cedric morris

Added on 3 Jun, 2017 | 0 photos

So fragile

Philadelphus Mock Orange

Added on 23 Feb, 2019 | 0 photos

Prune straight after flowering

Pineapple Lily

Added on 27 Jul, 2016 | 3 photos

Genus: Eucomis.
Species: Eucomis (pineapple flowers).

Whitegates. July 2016
Will need dividing next year.

Podophyllum Spotty Dotty

Added on 24 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

Polemonium caeruleum. Jacob's ladder.

Added on 6 Apr, 2017 | 0 photos

Genus: Polemonium.
Species: Polemonium caeruleum..

Polygonum persicaria bistorta

Added on 24 Aug, 2017 | 0 photos

Genus: Polygonum.
Species: Polygonum persicaria.

Poppy Cedric Morris

Added on 24 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Papaver.
Species: Papaver rhoeas.

Herterton 2016.

Potentilla Thurberi 'monsieur Rouillard'

Added on 9 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo

V Chris July 2019

Primula poisonnii

Added on 30 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

From Karen 2017

Rose des Cisterciens

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 2 photos

Millwood Plants Colleton. Oct 2016

Rose English Miss

Added on 13 Aug, 2018 | 0 photos

Sam Turner, aug 2018

Rose Gill's. unknown

Added on 31 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

The only rose kept from Gill's old garden.

Rose Summer Memories

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

From Millwoodplants Colleton. Oct 2016

Rose. Arthur de Sansal

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 2 photos

Genus: Rosa.
Species: Rosa Arthur de Sansal.

Millwood Plants Colleton Mills. Oct 2016

Sage blue?

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Herb sage from front garden

Salvia Black and Blue

Added on 30 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Planted spring 2016. Market.

Salvia patens patio blue

Added on 12 Aug, 2017 | 1 photo

Market. clematis stall 2017

Salvia Rose Queen

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 2 photos

Salvia x Jamensis 'Nachtvlinder'

Added on 15 Apr, 2019 | 0 photos

Underplanting the roses to protect them from fungal diseases – Blackspot and Mildew –volgens Sarah Raven

Scabiosa caucasica perfecta 'Alba'

Added on 9 May, 2018 | 0 photos

2017 spring. Not flowered yet.
Moved from Actea Simplex Pink Spice as too close, wrong time of year.....may 201...

Scabious Blue Butterfly

Added on 6 Apr, 2017 | 2 photos

Deadhead to prolong flowering.
Cut down stems in autumn.

Scabious no name

Added on 13 May, 2018 | 0 photos

C40cm hight
B&M april 2018

Scabious Pink Mist

Added on 6 Apr, 2017 | 2 photos

Scabious White (see Cephalaria or Giant Scabious)

Added on 23 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Dug up 4 plants from June's deserted verge plot. July 2016.
Struggling between the weeds.
Forgot I had thi...

Schizostylis coccinea Major/ Crimson Flag

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Schizostylis.
Species: Schizostylis coccinea.

Freecycle 2016

Sedum herbstfreude

Added on 13 Aug, 2018 | 0 photos

Chelsea chop. Once established, sedums can have a tendency to flop ggleaving an open and unsightly centre, espec...


Added on 24 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Achillea.
Species: Achillea ptarmica.

Whitegates nursery. May 2016

Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem'

Added on 4 Aug, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Sorbaria.
Species: Sorbaria sorbifolia.

From Kate summer 2017
Shady terrace in large pot

Tradescantia (Andersoniana Group) 'Osprey'

Added on 28 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

July 2016

Tradescantia Virginiana.. unnamed

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Tradescantia.
Species: Tradescantia virginiana.

Herterton Gardens. Northumberland.
Label has disintegrated and become ineligible after being lugged round North...

Tulbaghia Violacaea Variegated

Added on 17 Oct, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Tulbaghia.
Species: Tulbaghia Violacaea Variegated.

Millwood Plants. Colleton Mills. Oct 2016

Verbascum Thapsis, Great Mullein

Added on 28 May, 2017 | 0 photos

Veronica Spicata Blue

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Market. july 2016

White nettle-leaved mullein

Added on 11 Jul, 2016 | 2 photos

Genus: Verbascum.
Species: Verbascum chaixii.

From Herterton. July 2016
Bit the worse for travelling!

Willow Flamingo standard

Added on 24 Jul, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Salix.
Species: Salix integra.

Bootsale Bedale june 2016

Yucca Bright Star

Added on 9 Nov, 2017 | 0 photos

From Whitegates. Nov 2017 for winter container front door.
Plant up babies!

Zantedeschia aethiopica Arum Lily

Added on 13 May, 2018 | 0 photos

Genus: Zantedeschia.
Species: Zantedeschia aethiopica.

Tub bedrm french doors