purple pansies
By richardpeeej
I have been growing some purple pansies this year and thought that you may like to see them-sorry the image is a little out of focus-but I am getting there!
10 Aug, 2009
Next post: Small selection of flowers
Mobee, at least they died happy!
Richard, the pansies are beautiful.I love that colour!
10 Aug, 2009
Hi Madperth well i had bottle of red red wine but no way were they indulging in that ,might have sent them high an being sitting on back door step this morn looking more Lol:~))))0
10 Aug, 2009
these are pretty
they look like they are poking their tongues out at us hehehe
x x x
10 Aug, 2009
I just LOVE your imagination Mookins!
10 Aug, 2009
Thanks Mobee Madperth and Mookins (the 3 M's!) They make me much more merrier on Mondays!
10 Aug, 2009
I shall have to tell them its rude to poke their tongues out to my friends.
10 Aug, 2009
one of the perks of being out of work and spending all day with my daughter
forget about the norm and think out of the box
x x x
10 Aug, 2009
Absotively awesome alliteration Richard!!
10 Aug, 2009
love the colour richard,like the petunia, stand back a bit with your close-ups unless you have micro shot on camera it may help, then zoom the pic in more on your com, i can on mine with photo gallery editing
10 Aug, 2009
Lol....Lol.......Richard....Marvellous....Majestic.....Mega (talking bout 3ms of course Lol
10 Aug, 2009
But of course!!!!
10 Aug, 2009
Wonderful way with words Madperth!
Sandra I'll try that next time with my shots
10 Aug, 2009
Rather ridiculous rambling, Richard!
10 Aug, 2009
They are a loveky colour. Thanks for showing them. You'll get used to the camera the more you use it . and with a digital one you can take as many photos as you like because you're not wasting any film .
10 Aug, 2009
Thanks Hywel I'll have to try and hold the camera a bit steadier next time -and take the photo before and not after I have had one of Mobee's Guinness's!! that's why I have been rambling I expect haha ....oooh my head!!
10 Aug, 2009
You're not the first one we've had to send to bed tonight! Get to your bed! lol
10 Aug, 2009
Hi Richard we been on hols and just on catch-up welcome to GoY and I think Pansies are really great little show off's they are really nice.
10 Aug, 2009
Don't call him a show-off, Bob! That's not welcoming!
I'm off to my bed, early up, I'm afraid, & I'm missing my daily slagging match with Digger!
Night All!
10 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the welcome Bobq you just caught me I was just going to turn in! hope you had a nice holiday You'll have a bit of catching up to do!! Catch you later !
10 Aug, 2009
Lovely pansies Richard, keep practising with the photography as you're not the only one with wobbly hands! For every 20 pics I take there are only one or two that are good and even then not up to the standard of other GoY members. I have taken a couple of really good ones though so maybe there isn't anything wrong with the camera after all!!! Good tip Sandra, must try that
11 Aug, 2009
Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments, tips on taking photos and for welcoming me to GOY. I have taken a few more pics today so will see how they turn out and see if I have any that are in better focus.
11 Aug, 2009
11 Aug, 2009
Welcome to GoY, Richard. Your Pansies look ever so good! Have you seen the photos I posted of Pansies & Violas on my balcony?
I'm going to plant a lot more Violas this autumn as they did so much better than the Pansies for the last 2 or 3 years. I used to have magnificent displays of Pansies but the last few years they haven't done very well at all. Spoiled my spring display! It was saved somewhat by one trough full of Violas. They were planted in two other troughs as well but there were a lot less of them so the display wasn't as good.
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks for your welcome Balcony - I have not seen your photos yet but am going to have a look later. This is the first year for me to grow a lot of pansies and marigolds and I am quite pleased how they have flowered. Do you save your viola seeds for replanting or do you get new ones in?
19 Aug, 2009
They grow very, very easily from seed but I haven't saved any for planting - I just don't have the space on my balcony for seeds during the summer. I do grow seeds in the spring for summer flowering as the balcony is still quite empty. But it quickly fills up with seed trays & pots full of transplanted seedlings!
I shall buy some plugs from the supermarket. They have been on sale since the beginning of August this year as have Pansies, Primroses & Polyanthus.
19 Aug, 2009
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They look lovely richard really deep colour,I had a few same colour but slugs made short work of them so i treated them (slugs that is) to drop of Guinness up this morn 5 slugs lying in tin full drunk Lol (dead drunk):~)))))
10 Aug, 2009