my garden
By rosygarden
I grew up playing in gardens due to the interest of my dad and before him my bamps. This is the first garden that I have actually owned designed and planted myself and I must say that I am really proud of what I have done in just five years. I think there combined enthusiasm has deffinately rubbed of on me because I love it. having made the beginners mistakes at the start I think I finally have things right now and its just a case of keeping it going and adding the odd plant here and there whenever the whim takes me to buy something new. A recent adition to the garden is my taking to growing vegetables. I made a veg patch last year growing just Potatoes. I have doubled the size of it this year though and as well as 2 verietys of potatoes I am also growing Peas, French Beans, and carrots. in the house I have started growing Mixed Peppers and in my medium sized greanhouse Tomatoes, Radishes, Tomatilloes and courgettes. as for flowers my favourite would have to be The rose of which I have quite a few, I think they are wonderful I really do. They have such variety, beauty and smell devine. I also have a very large Hypericum (hydcote), Lilac trees, Conifers, Lavenders, (3 differant types) forsythia, honeysuckle. fushia’s, and many shrubs & bushes. I also have a small pond which I intend to increase in size this year (when I get the time). and a little wild area for beas and butterflies. I am looking forwood to a glorious and warm summer with many hours spent both tending to the plants as well as relaxing and taking in the view, (cold beer plus a ham & home grown salad sandwhich in hand). Tref.
19 Apr, 2009
Next post: moving home
I agree it looks lovely. I am not very good at growing salads But I can grow a lettice
19 Apr, 2009
Hello Craftnutter. thanks for your quick response , I'de only just finished typing it. well in answer to your question they were purple prince (early) and they were very nice too. this year I've planted Maris piper and good old king edwards.I'll let you know how they go. Tref (rosygarden)
19 Apr, 2009
Good luck with your vegetables Tref. I'm growing a few more this year but I have to say I don't find them as fascinating as my cacti. :o)
19 Apr, 2009
Take a look at mine hywel, you'll love it. Ha Ha Ha!
19 Apr, 2009
Have you ever grown those blue potatoes? I think they turn white when they are cooked.
Your garden sounds fabulous Tref. As you probably have figured out, the rose is also my favourite. Although this year I have promised myself that I'm going to "branch out" and plant different things.
21 Apr, 2009
Eeeer Gilli, never heard of "blue" potatoes? Is this just in Columbia? Sounds intriguing.....
21 Apr, 2009
I don't really know CN....There are some called Russian Blue potatoes although others are "British Columbia Blue". They have dark purple skin and purple flesh....apparently they do keep their colour when they are cooked although it turns a more blue tinge rather than purple.
22 Apr, 2009
hi rosygardener I see nets over the beds is that to keep the cats out?
hey Gilli/Craftn im growing them purple ones this year I have two of my big bins with them in , cant remember their name but its out in the wendyhouse will let you know soon , Im also growing two bags of smiley potatoes have you seen thetm?
23 Apr, 2009
Oooo.'ll have to let us know what the purple ones are like.
Mac you are very clever growing those smiley potatoes....How do you get the little smiley faces in them? Do you ever get sad potatoes???
28 Apr, 2009
they grow with smiles already on em .. . they really do , dont ask me how
28 Apr, 2009
How, Mac? How?
28 Apr, 2009
smiles and they have laughter lines round their eyes no doubt . . . . . . err still dont know how?
28 Apr, 2009
I think the worms tell them jokes while they are underground.
29 Apr, 2009
Or perhaps the worms tickle them with their tales? Ha Ha Ha! Or they are just happy to be in the garden all day everyday. (wouldn't that be nice). Seriously though I wouldn't mind giving those russian blue spuds a go, where can I get them from Maccrimmon they sound unusual and I like the idea of strange vegetables. Have you heard of the blood red carrot or the lemon yellow variety? I've also seen orange and yellow courgettes, red and white striped obergenes (egg plants) and purple peas. Tref.
29 Apr, 2009
Royal Burgundy bush beans are purple. Touchstone Gold beets are golden inside. Chioggia beets are striped inside. Natalino broccoli is chartreuse colour and spiked. Cheddar cauliflower is cheesy orange. Verdant cauliflower is green. Rosalind cauliflower is purple. Purple Haze carrots are purple, White Satin carrots are white and Atomic Red carrots are red. There are Lemon Cucumbers which look the size and colour of a lemon and White Pearl cucs are white. There is also a lavendar-white Aubergine called Lavendar Touch and a black one called Millionaire. There is also a blue snow pea called Desiree and a white pumpkin called Lumina. And, last but not least is Swiss chard 'Bright Lights' which have stems of a rainbow of colours.
I don't really know all this off the top of my head......I just happened to be sitting next to my seed catalogues. Ha ha ha. :oD
30 Apr, 2009
hi rosyg /gilli
The purple potatoes I have growing are Arran Victory I bought three types of I suppose specialist type potatoes from Homebase early on in the year (5seeds each) I put photo's of the purple ones and the smiley uns on my photo page the photos are just from the packets .. . . . . . . .But wait till they are ready and I will take photo's of em . .. . . . . cant wait I am sure I can here them smiley ones chuckling in the barrel already!!!!!
30 Apr, 2009
oooooo!!!! even the plant has purple tinges to it , I take a photo of the plant next time it pops its head up as I just buried em again yesterday
30 Apr, 2009
I will look forward to seeing your pics Mac. :o)
1 May, 2009
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Your garden sounds lovely!
What sort of pots did you grow? Were they earlies, mid or lates or all of the above?
I'm interested in growing some next year. I'd like to grow some lilttle ones for salads.
19 Apr, 2009