Cool Sunday Morning
By rusty_shovel
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all who venture here.
Up early even tho it was a LONG day yesterday. Party on the patio for about 10 friends. Too cold for them to linger until the late part of the day, which I have to remember for the next party- might be a good thing.8-))
They decended on the groaning board like starving people, about cleaned me out of everything, which either means it was very good or they are big eaters. In any case, I had very little leftovers. What was left I sent home with the guest of honor.
BFF showed up early to help with everything, which was only to carry bowls out. We had everything ready and folks were slow in showing up. It’s hard to keep two London broils at the medium well stage and still have them hot enough to serve when you have late comers. We ended up with some more than medium well meat. Didn’t seem to bother very much.
The hubs is home for a week so I expect there will be some gardening work done tomorrow because that might be the only dry day this week. I need him to take some pictures of various plants he enjoys while he is here. His selection of trees and shrubs is certainly eclectic, which fits right in with our garden and lifestyle. If we like it, somehow it will fit. He needs to take a pix of “his” ice cypress tree.
Everything is still very wet from all that rain we had, and again we are going to get more. At least the rivers and streams have dropped back to safe levels. People have lost everything as some homes were flooded to the second floor and some over their roofs. One family had their second floor deck pulled off the house and the entire backyard removed from the property, causing the home to be condemned. Well. builders will build anywhere, even on the edge of a good sized hill. The homeowner said on TV that his home insurance would not cover it as it was flood damage and he had no flood insurance. I don’t understand how the bank lent him the money wihout making him have flood insurance if that area was flood zoned. But then WHAT do I know?
There is the pressing question, did I ever post a pix of a backyard planter with plants that I have no names for… NOW the thing I thought was a creeping jenny is flowering, it’s beautiful… and nameless. Of course he would ask about that one! told him I would check with ya’ll! Seemed to please him- at least he isn’t bugging about it any more. The dog is keeping him busy- good dog.
the weather has taken its turn for fall early, we will have some rain this week, and cooler temps afterwards. So far the windows are staying open, AC off and the furnace off too.
But good news. Hershey Park, which was badly flooded opened Saturday. Someone we know went, so we will get the report about damage and appearances. Should ya’ll be interested in Hershey Pennsylvania Google it—- great garden – Hershey Gardens, the park and of course the chocolate factory. If you get really interested Google Milton S. Hershey- he was an interesting guy.
enough travelog for the morning. Off for java and laundry. yum and ugh. Have a great Sunday.
18 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Water, water, water
Next post: update
Hi R,S, sounds as if you had a good party on the patio,its a good sign when all the food is eaten..its a shame people have lost etc..but good to hear the streams & rivers are now at safe levels..i have just googled Milton, you are right when you said he was interesting..he built a whole town, missed going on the Titanic..& made chocolate for the troops, he was by the sound of it.. one of a kind..:o)
18 Sep, 2011
He sure was Joanella...:)))
19 Sep, 2011
Joanella, those people acted like they missed a week of meals! It was funny to see that chow disappear, makes clean up easier tho!
Sue, need to deal with visiting an aunt today, everything in flux about where she will be, close by for the doctor (hip problems at 88!) OR at her home - 45 minutes drive.
either way my morning is shot to heck! Not that I mind - much - but it's calling for rain off and on the rest of the week. I have yard work to do and today is the only DRY day promised. AH... family.
let you know how THIS mess turns out. HOPE she gets a doctor appointment so I don't have to drive 45 minutes one way. that's close to two hours wasted in driving. I really don't like people making my plans to suit them. but what can I do, except say I have something else. Hubs won't do the pruning unless I help, he might get the fish out of the pond. HMMMM.. I have to wait on this fiasco.
As for being famous! HA.. but, yesterday I got the flash for my SECOND BOOK.. Recipes my mother left me and some I found on my own. what do you think?
cookies and cakes for sure and some of her veggies and meat dishes. could be another book in the old gal.
19 Sep, 2011
As for being famous! HA.. but, yesterday I got the flash for my SECOND BOOK..
WOW...well woop de doo....good luck...
Sorry about the Aunt..if its not one thing it's another...
Anything food has got to be good...we all love to more than others...:)))
Am having a blitz while OH is out for the him to bits, but he sure does get under my feet sometimes...
sounds selfish, cos he does loads for me, but I like to contribute too...
Anyway back too it....Sun has come out at long last, and it's warmed up, so windows and doors open as per...:)))
19 Sep, 2011
Recent posts by rusty_shovel
- Soggy May
14 May, 2012
- winter weather for Halloween
29 Oct, 2011
- update
21 Oct, 2011
- Water, water, water
7 Sep, 2011
- Clean up beings!
29 Aug, 2011
- Irene
27 Aug, 2011
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Morning I...You are understandably in good spirits today...Laundry, just done three to go drying...Doing quite a bit of lifting and shifting in the garden, also trying to beat the weather....!!! Glad you enjoyed your get together...and more than pleased OH is home, boy that week will go fast...
Look forward to OH pics...:)))
T finished so back to it....speak soon...x
18 Sep, 2011