My cats not talking to me!
By sandygirl
My son would like dog!
Ok , if you have a dog, dad has to agree and when your at dads the dog comes too. Sound plasable! This was spoken about 6 months ago, but not realy acted upon, untill last week.
Dad had found a suitable dog. Well one that was homeless. He asorded me it was the perfit dog.
An american staff. Well trained. didnt smell, (farts could clear a room!) didnt eat alot so didnt ‘go’ much, and very loyal!
It was a great dog! If you hapen to be built like a bull.
One day it lasted! It felt like I had a steam train on a lead, you dont walk such an animal you hang on and wait for it to run out of steam, which took about an hour of hard walking……….
If any one tells you a dog gets on with other dogs dont believe them! It may hide under you chair when a rockviler comes sniffing but let it run on the beach and its gets its teeth out. I was told off for not keeping ‘My dog’ in check…………..
And when told its ‘not keen on cats’ what they realy mean is it likes to eat them.
My poor cat came in for her dinner, I was asleep on the sofa- all that walking!
when hell broke out. It was like being in a tunnel with an express train. I leeped from the sofa with the cat trying to claw her way up the blinds and the dog trying to follow!
Its a week later………
the cat wont come off the shed roof, even though the dog left the following morning. She has a pitiful cry and I can hear her saying- but he wants to eat me!
26 Sep, 2010
Previous post: I had a stressfull weekend!
Next post: I'm putting the garden to bed!
OMG i didn't know whether to laugh or cry when i read this,but you made it sound so funny. A few years ago my daughter had a rescue dog like that {not a staffie} it was a night mare. I hope your poor puss has come down now and is purring and not crying.
27 Sep, 2010
Oh poor puss!
My little holly was chased by our neighbours Weimeraner (sp) the other week. At the time I thought "Go girl, keeping out in front of that bloody thing". The dog chased her into our garage and garden and I heard an almighty scraping at the the fence.
I never saw her for over 6 hours, I was beside myself, even checking the fence for blood. I was scared incase the dog had got a hold of her and she was injured somewhere.
All the nieghbour had to say was the don't collar him as "it'll ruin his coat" well if my Holly didn't come home I said almost threatened to slit it's throat let alone damage his coat. Harsh perhaps but to hell with them having an unrestrained hunting dog in the street, what if Holly had been a wee kid??
Anyway after hours of going out and calling for her, she eventually came home under the cover of darkness - think hunger took her home.
Weeks later, she's still really skittish if you make load noises or move too quick. Her favourite place to sleep is in the conservatory, but now she's snuggles under the blanket instead of on top of it. She ovbiously feels safer underneath it.
I'd never trust dogs like that round children or other pets. It's in their genetic makeup to hunt and fight. It makes me sad to hear of all these dogs put down because they attack children. At the end of the day, I don't think it's entirely the dogs fault, it's in their nature.
Lots of TLC and treats and puss will be her ownself soon enough.
27 Sep, 2010
Oh poor cat :o( I know some cats and dogs do get on though.
But I had to laugh at some of your descriptions lol
My old Fluffy would attack a dog. She'd go for it's eyes.
I can understand how you felt going for a walk with that dog. I've known many, but one in particular dragged me and my cousin all round the town years ago when we were kids lol.
Mind you it was their own fault - they never let the dog out and when they did it went wild.
27 Sep, 2010
I was relived it didnt stay as well! Going to stay a cat lady from now on.....
Hywell- you've had some beauties, cats I mean!
I think I will cherish poor fudge when she does forgive me . Didnt realise that I do miss her when she's not pinning my legs down in bed and I cant turn over.
27 Sep, 2010
lol - I'm used to having my legs pinned down in bed - - by the cat I mean :o)
27 Sep, 2010
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What a bizarre experience for your poor moggy. I'm relieved the dog didn't stay and if it is rehomed I hope it receives some training and is homed with a good family who can handle him. I know the breed can be aggressive...we've seen a few incidents during the years we had our shop. Some locals use their dogs to intimidate people.
I hope it isn't long til you can coax your kitty back down. I feel sorry for her with what she's been through....and for you too. Doesn't sound nice at all.
26 Sep, 2010