dont worry mummy I'm having fun!
By sandygirl
I’ve had a week off, with it being half term and all. Time for the kids.
My boyfriend had a scare last week while moving his ex.and his son to sunny Margate, she had a heart attack ending up in intensive care. I’ve never thought about what it must be like to be very ill, and the effect on those around you. I suddenly was looking after a 12 year old who had been home schooled by a lady too ill to even walk very far. I found my self taking this lad who had never riden a bike, to a bike park and expecting him to ride no problem. Taking him swimming and expecting him to be able to instinctively be able to swim. Of course it didnt happen!
Suddenly this boy was with a 8 year old making pumpkin’s, walking the beach, trampolining with all of his friend’s. He wrote to his mum, who is still hasnt woken up, not to worry he was having fun and I worry how she will fell about her son taken away and having fun without her!
The poor lad, will have to go to a new school soon knowing his mother wont approve and cope with school work after a year at home…………………….
let lose with a knife!
2 Nov, 2010
Previous post: frost protection, in october!
Next post: Spend what you like! Yes............
I hope everything turns out for the best. You're in a very difficult situation but I'm sure you'll cope.
3 Nov, 2010
I'll echo Hywels thoughts too.
Somehow you'll need to get an appraisal of his educational "standing" before placing in a school. It's going to be hard enough for him adjusting to learning with others, but he may also have too catch up in some areas whilst in others feel as if he is marking time. I say this because I was lucky enough to go to a small primary school where there was just fifteen or so to a class - when I went to secondary school I couldn't believe how "backward" everyone was and put my parents and teachers through hell. We spent our first year in the core subjects just going over what we had already done at primary school.
3 Nov, 2010
what a challenge! sounds like big changes for everyone. when he goes to his new school please make sure his teachers know about his circumstances ~ sometimes they can set up a buddy system or may even have a mentor for children who find themselves in challenging circumstances
very best wishes to you all
3 Nov, 2010
Hope this lady gets well soon, poor lad he must feel out of his depth having been by his mums side for so long, bless him, the school will keep an eye on him I'm sure, that's what they are trained to do. Lets hope their separation will not be too painful. All the best.
3 Nov, 2010
school will keep an eye on him ~ they are very good at that but they need to be told ~ i was a teacher and it is surprising that not everyone tells you these things
3 Nov, 2010
Sticki, I looked after special needs children in school for 22 years, I know this lad isn't Sen. but surely a special case never the less, but I hear what you say.
3 Nov, 2010
similar here ~ i worked in schools as a TA and then teacher for about 20 years altogether. it just made me sad when i couldnt help a child as much as i wanted to ~ very frustrating if you dont get told all you need to hear. im sure you understand ~ the best bit of the job was seeing a child feel better about themselves and their abilities. :o)
3 Nov, 2010
I agree, the best bit for me was just a 'smile' !
3 Nov, 2010
exactly ~ when their eyes light up!
3 Nov, 2010
Yes Sticki, defo. amazing kids.
3 Nov, 2010
Thanks for all the comments. Luckly he has a brillant sence of humor which will see him making friends and I hope adjusting easily.
Unfortunately the only school with places to get him into has the worst reputation of the area, and I am told a bulling problem! But yes we have informed the school of the situation.
They are testing him next tuesday so at least they will have some idea of the level at which he needs to be placed. He just seems so sheltered, can talk with amaising knowllage on golf or football but asked if half a crab on the beach was alive, and did animals realy live in seashells!
His mum's brain scan yesterday came back not showing anything untoward, so at least there is hope for her yet.
4 Nov, 2010
Oh dear - bullying is not what you want to hear. After the problems that my nephew had with bullying I would say avoid this school (the only way out for Micheal after 18 months of hell was to move school). Micheal was offered refuge from this hell by a church run school, have you approached any (if there are any in your area)?
I so hope that things work out....
4 Nov, 2010
I wish you the best of luck with your situation, children are resilient, my advice to you is to make sure you all have ears to listen to him, make sure he gets the time to talk to you and tell you how he is feeling, he will be in an awful quandry at the moment, big changes - no child should have to face this, but life is like that. Make sure he gets time to play with his new friends and family, remember they are never too old to want a cuddle, and as you say a smile makes a day seem better even when it has been hell. He looks a lovely lad and I am sure with your guidance and schools assistance you will get there. Good luck with all your efforts, keep us all posted on how he goes.
remember your own son will need you also, sometimes we can forget the quieter ones when others are needing all the attention. I know you will make the best efforts because you are already doing what is the right thing for him.
There will be others out there with specialist help also, make sure you ask for it and get it for all of you.
4 Nov, 2010
It is a very difficult journey for this young lad and I am sad to hear he can only get accepted at a school with bullying issues. I'm sure the teachers will do all they can to help him settle into school and with your guidance, love and attention we can only hope this will make his days a little easier.
The scan results for his mom sound encouraging and I hope with continued treatment she will recover.
You have been much in my thoughts/prayers since I first read your blog and I wish you strength and resourcefulness for all that you and your family are experiencing. Keep us updated please.
4 Nov, 2010
it would be very rare for any school to have no bullying whatsoever ~ children are children! the honest schools tell you how they will help rather than say there isnt any bullying!
maybe clubs outside of school hours could help as he may make some friends there too? although too much too soon is also hard
all the very best to you all
4 Nov, 2010
Thank's everyone you are all very encouraging.
I think knowing that the school may have a problem will make it easier to watch out for. Although for the time being it seems our only option.
The only chursh school in the area renoned for help with this type of situation was over subscribed. But it dosnt mean we cant change him later. Hoping that if he settles well he can retake the kent test that he passed last year and perhaps get into a grammer. But I'm not sure he wants it. Have to see how he gets on!
Oliveoil - your right, I think the whole situation has unsettled Stephen. But now I'm back at work I've sent Tony and his son to the new house to get in tune with each other, and so I can give Stephen some one to one time. Let him catch up with his sleep too!
Having an evening at the cinema tomorrow. The 3D owl film just out. Anthony has never been to the cinema so cant wait to see what he makes of 3D!
4 Nov, 2010
Keep up the good work Sandy, you will find a light at the end of the tunnel. You seem to be doing a good job there. Hope he likes the film. Best wishes to you all.
4 Nov, 2010
Hope so too, I'm looking forward to it anyway. Just looked at the weather forcast the storm forcasted for tomorrow night has been put off to saturday so we might even get to the broadstairs prom. for the firework display aswell.
4 Nov, 2010
That would be fabulous for you all, we are not setting fireworks off until 13th we have a cricket presentation dinner to attend this weekend so had to put it off for a week.
4 Nov, 2010
A trip to the movies sounds perfect....really pleased that things are going forward with plans, Sandy.
4 Nov, 2010
Donna is awake!
She is on dialalise, to clean her blood.
But cant catch her breath to talk, and her eyes where yellow.
I think Anthony found it quite scary!
7 Nov, 2010
The cinema way fun. I sat between both Anthony and his dad both making appreciative noises! And apart from thousands of cars all trying to get into the antiquated broadstairs roads, the fireworks where good as well...........
7 Nov, 2010
I was going to ask for an update about 1/2 hr. ago and then decided I'd wait til tomorrow...and now I see you have given us an update, Sandy.
It is encouraging to hear that Donna has come out of her unconscious state. It is a difficult thing to visit someone who is so ill and I'm pleased you got to the cinema and the fireworks; it will have helped Anthony to recover from the shock of seeing his mom.
Does Anthony start school on Monday?
7 Nov, 2010
thats good news, altho im sure its still not easy for any of you
8 Nov, 2010
Anthony is having a test at school tomorrow which should tell them which class to put him into. He seems confidant, although the school in question has a day starting at 8.30am and finishing at 5pm. No homework though which has got to be good
8 Nov, 2010
Thanks for the update, Sandygirl. I really hope he settles well in his new class and that his mom continues to improve.
8 Nov, 2010
hope everything goes well
9 Nov, 2010
Thanks Whistonlass and stickitoffee ( arnt some of these names great)
His start date has been put off to monday now, so they are going to see Donna on thursday. Have to find something special to do over the weekend!
9 Nov, 2010
Shame about the delay....good luck with weekend plans. I hope on Thursday, Anthony finds his mom much better and it won't be such a shock for him as previously.
9 Nov, 2010
Best wishes to you all Sandygirl, hope everything turns out good.
10 Nov, 2010
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What a difficult situation for all concerned. I do hope you are able to help your boyfriend's son as he adjusts to all the changes he will be faced with.
He is being exposed to a lot of new and challenging experiences so I hope he can take the pace and not become overwhelmed.
And...I hope the mom can make a good recovery, although from your blog I would assume she was in poor health before her heart attack. You have my good wishes, Sandygirl.
On the brighter side, Sandygirl...I've just been thoroughly entertained by your earlier blogs and I'm certain that amidst the situation you are going through, your humour is going to be your best weapon.
3 Nov, 2010