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SOS Save our Suntrap plea for help.


The Committee set up by user groups at NTS Suntrap Garden are looking for support for their rescue bid.

Opening times are

TUESDAYs & FRIDAYs (Volunteer Days) 10.30am -4pm

EASTER in addition to the above also
SATURDAY 23rd & SUNDAY 24th April 12.30 -4pm

FRIDAY 29th (Royal Wedding Day) (12.30 -4pm)
Satuday 30th ( each )
Sunday 1st May ( day )
Monday 2nd May

You can picnic at Suntrap but please do not leave litter.

SUNDAY 22nd May 2011 10.30am – 4pm.

There is good parking and disabled toilets at Suntrap.

Entry is free to NTS Members except on Open Day.
Non members please put your £3.00 entry fee in the honesty box.

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I hope they get plenty of support !

23 Apr, 2011


I hope so too Hywel. There are lovely photographs of it on the website mentioned above. The house Millbuies was built in the 1950's and the owner worked with the South of Scotland Electricity Board engineers to invent ways of making it eco friendly. He had a windmill which sadly has been allowed to disappear and also solar panels. This was a long time before domestic buildings owners were able to buy them. He had rain water collection from the roof to flush toilets and heat exchangers to save energy. The house is a brilliant demonstration of inventive Scots. The Scottish First Minister says green technology is the way to rebuild Scotlands industry but the National Trust say there is no heritage reason to save Suntrap. How short sighted is that.
Allotments are back on the agenda in Scotland with the waiting time running in to several years. Farmers are able to charge up to £250 a year for allotments on land they can no longer grow viable cash crops.
New gardeners need support and that is what George Boyd Anderson wanted to provide for the people of Lothian Region as it was then. We get visitors dropping in with questions on everything from 'how to prune an apple trees, through to asking for basic gardening courses'. I hope the garden can be saved and the house restored as a national treasure.

23 Apr, 2011


Interesting to read. I hope it can be saved aswell. It would be a pitty to lose it.

23 Apr, 2011


Arrrgh, someplace else put on the chopping block for housing. Can they not revitalize existing neighborhoods instead of tearing Suntrap down?

24 Apr, 2011


Thank you Hywel. We are hoping so Lauram.

24 Apr, 2011

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