Kincardine SRGC Show part 1
By scotsgran
The SRGC Shows are always worth a visit and this was no exception. I’m not going to do a running commentary because there are lots of pics. Feel free to ask questions if you want to know more.
27 Mar, 2017
Previous post: How are the mighty fallen! Kincardine SRGC Show 25.3.17
Next post: Kincardine SRGC Show part 2
A great selection.
The two for me are the Pulsatilla and the Tecophila.
27 Mar, 2017
Bjs I have sent you an email with an unedited version of the plants - the narcissus is an own hybrid which they have named N.'Tinkerbell' I thought you would appreciate the Hepaticas. Pcw I wish I knew how to grow Pulsatilla like that. There was two pans of Tecophila I would have been very happy to own that.
27 Mar, 2017
this is a lovely blog cant wait for part 2.
how are the ribs today?
28 Mar, 2017
Very sore. I ran out of battery on the camera and used the phone to take more photos. I am having problems uploading them to the computer which is probably down to lack of concentration at the moment. I will add some more asap.
28 Mar, 2017
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice
I have too many North Facing Windows & No Green House.
I can but dream
30 Mar, 2017
Bramhallbill my little treasures were sown as seeds in a small pot and left to fend for themselves. Then I planted them out in the rockery and had to dig them up and put them in pots to take them to the show so forget the dreaming and enjoy the thrill of growing to enjoy. My daffodils were planted (bulbs) in 2012 I think and I sunk the pot in a bigger pot so they would not be frosted. They were dug up in their pot and the pot was put in a nice clean pot for the show. I noticed you had some lovely pots of tulips on your patio - in flower on Mothers day so you are well on your way to passing the dreaming stage.
30 Mar, 2017
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Mouthwatering is the best way I can describe it,
your first pic is very similar to the the one I posted pics of, love that and good size plants of Hepatica millstream Merlin that was one of the first named ones I had but somehow lost it and only this year replaced it through Edrom nurseries.
the Narcissus is unusual but not able to read the name or the white primula behind but pos marginata alba the third one I think I reconise as primula Calderiana.
I see a nice plant of Primula Milkmaid in the three pan classe several Goy members have shown pictures of it in the last couple of weeks they are able to see what they look like on the show bench now who nos they may get the
I could go on to me they are all nice
27 Mar, 2017