Hampton Court Flower Show - 2011
By sgbabe
Last weekend, my hubby and I went with friends to the HCFS. We went on the Sunday afternoon from 2.30pm to 5.30pm and it definitely wasn’t long enough to see everything. We missed loads!
The gardens on our way in:
That’s my hubby there pulling our friends’ trolley:
A selection of the gardens we managed to see. The designer is the one eating the sandwich. I saw him on the telly but I can’t remember his name:
What I like are the colours in this garden, very shabby chic:
Romantic country style:
There is a metal/bronze fairy crouched in the waterfall:
The Naked Garden, a bit too modern for my tastes but interesting anyway:
I am a big fan of terracotta pots so although it’s a bit different, I like this:
This was by far my favourite garden. I love everything about i.e. the vintage tools and props (am on the hunt for a milk churn myself as I soooo want to replicate this), the veg planting, the shed, white picket fence, the whole concept of self-sufficiency and past times, etc:
Entering the flower marque:
Amazing alliums:
Incredible alpines:
I like the planters of this alpine display:
Not sure what these are called but they look like brushes for cleaning the insides of bottles to me:
Colourful clematis:
Delightful dahlias:
Fantastic fuchsias:
Heavenly heucheras:
Although I am not an orchid fan (they are a dime a dozen where I come from), I know that many of you are, which is why I took this photo:
15 Jul, 2011
More blog posts by sgbabe
Thankyou for sharing your visit with us, I think my fav has to be the Romantic country style but it all looks really colourful, I also like all the alpines...
Smashing photo`s...
15 Jul, 2011
Some pretty flowers but there doesn't seem to be many visitors - am I right ?
15 Jul, 2011
Absolutely beautiful pictures..:)))
15 Jul, 2011
Really enjoyed looking at those photos, thanks for sharing them with us. Lovely.
15 Jul, 2011
Did you see 'wild in the city' garden!
Yes, thanks for sharing and showing the fantastic flowers at the show.
16 Jul, 2011
I'm glad you all enjoyed looking at the photos.
Lincslass: Yes, the romantic garden is stunning. I love that too. But the WWII allotment garden just appeals to something in me. Brings back a sense of nostalgia. I don't know why as I'm only in my early 40s ha. I guess I just have a passion for all things vintage and British. My hubby laughs as I'm from Singapore but I always joke that the only things Chinese/Asian in our house is me and the bottles of soy sauce in the kitchen cupboard. :-) Our house is completed decorated with items...you guessed it, vintage and British!
Mariek: There were lots of people still but as it's quite spread out, it wasn't packed like what you see on the BBC when they broadcast from the Chelsea Flower Show. You could move about relatively easily and see the gardens quite well.
Lulu: I didn't see the wild in the city garden but I've just looked at pics now. Very nice! I also didn't see the one where they grew all those veggies in the wicket baskets. We didn't even get to go to the rose pavilion, which really bummed me out. I will not buy the Sunday afternoon ticket again, it just doesn't give you enough time and still costs a lot.
If my parents come over to visit in May next year, I am going to give the Chelsea a go as I have never been there before.
16 Jul, 2011
Soy sauce is always in my cupboard!! Light, dark and vintage!! And chillie sauce!
16 Jul, 2011
Interesting blog Sgbabe, I love to see all the different design's of gardens, maybe i can copy from them :))), the naked garden was fascinating, to see the roots of the plants through there glass containers, Where do these idea's come from? what a pity you didn't have time to see it all, time go's by so quickly where gardens are involved.. I liked the WWII garden too, I like the idea of being self sufficiant and all crammed into a small space, there's even produce on the roof of the shed, amazing lol. I enyoyed your blog, Thankyou..
16 Jul, 2011
Woo! i really enjoyed that, thankyou very much.
16 Jul, 2011
Shame you didn't have more time there as there is an awful lot to see ... we've been a couple of times and much prefer it to Chelsea Flower Show ... I think those brush-like plants are Eremurus (Foxtail Lily) ... : o )
16 Jul, 2011
I enjoyed your blog. Thank you for sharing.
16 Jul, 2011
everything is so beautiful, really love the waterfall
22 Jul, 2011
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Some lovely photos.
15 Jul, 2011