Flower Seeds Starting With C
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Seeds > C
We have found 87 flower seeds starting with c from 87 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £13.99.
Showing 1 to 20 of 87 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Cleome Pink Whiskers SeedsCommonly known as Spider Flower because of the long stamens on the flowers. Our new variety is th... |
Coreopsis Sea Shells Red SeedsThese captivating yellow and orange, red-tipped flowers have petals that open like small trumpets... |
Chrysanthemum Carinatum Bright Eyes SeedsA lovely border plant producing masses of golden-yellow blooms with contrasting black disks, over... |
Cornflower Double Mixed SeedsIs there any flower more nostalgic than the cornflower? It is perfect for cottage gardens and oth... |
Convolvulus Royal Ensign SeedsBright blue trumpets with white and yellow centres are produced freely on neat compact plants for... |
Cornflower Polka Dot Mix SeedsBushy plants flowering in an attractive range of colours. A 'cottage garden' favourite. HA - Hard... |
Clary Claryssima SeedsWe have developed this cottage garden favourite to show strong clear colours on more compact plan... |
Campanula Tiny Bells SeedsA beautiful campanula producing bushy plants with finely cut foliage, smothered in masses of deli... |
Clarkia Double Mixed SeedsBeautiful and easy to grow Clarkia produces drifts of pink red mauve and white. It flowers quickl... |
Candytuft Dwarf Fairy Mixed SeedsSo easy from seed and so versatile in the garden.andytuft make a delightfully informal bedding pl... |
Calendula Pacific Beauty Mixed SeedsA bright blend of orange golden-yellow apricot and cream flowers. Dead heading will prolong flowe... |
Chrysanthemum Tricolor Mixed SeedsMixed Chrysanthemums are worthy of a place in every garden for their bright and continuous displa... |
Cornflower Tall Tutu Mix SeedsShades of blue, maroon, red, rose and white. A 'cottage garden' favourite. HA - Hardy annual. Hei... |
Cisanthe Twinky Pinky SeedsFrom attractive rosettes of fleshy, silver-green leaves arise long stems topped by delicate-looki... |
Cineraria Maritima Silver Dust SeedsNeat plants with ferny leaves, silver-grey and woolly. Compact and ideal for edging your beds and... |
Convolvulus Major Trumpet Mix SeedsA lovely climber. Quickly covers fences, trellises, sheds, etc. with pretty trumpet flowers. At t... |
Candytuft Fairy Mix SeedsRegular in height. Attractive pastel range of colours. Easy to grow, colourful border plants. HA ... |
Convolvulus Red Ensign SeedsBright, carmine red flowers throughout the summer. Height 30cm (12). |
Cat Grass SeedsStop cats nibbling your potentially harmful houseplants with this great alternative. Nutritious a... |
Calendula Seeds Orange KingA splendid variety of calendula with enormous orange flowers, perfectly double and beautifully fo... |
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