Flower Seeds Starting With C
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Seeds > C
We have found 87 flower seeds starting with c from 87 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £13.99.
Showing 1 to 20 of 87 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Agrostemma Githago (Corn Cockle)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: well-drained, preferably poor soil <br/> Rate of growth: averag... |
Cactus 'Prickly Characters' SeedsA mixture of curious and interesting plants! Enjoy watching them grow and see what develops! Vari... |
Calceolaria F2 Bubblegum Mix SeedsA high quality, great value calceolaria, with large, exotic-looking, balloon-like flowers, in a b... |
Calendula (Dwarf) Fiesta Gitana SeedsAlso known as pot marigolds calendulas are easy from seed and are robust growers. Fiesta Gitana i... |
Calendula Daisy Mix SeedsBrightly coloured flowers for pots and summer bedding. Height 20cm (8). |
Calendula Fiesta Gitana SeedsCompact plants producing double flowers in a richly coloured mixture. Easy to grow - ideal for be... |
Calendula Lemon Zest SeedsDwarf, well branched, quick-growing plants that are ideal for pots and tubs as well as summer bed... |
Calendula Long Flowering Mixed SeedsThese sunny daisy like flowers are easy to grow almost anywhere. Great for filling up spaces in b... |
Calendula Pacific Beauty Mixed SeedsA bright blend of orange golden-yellow apricot and cream flowers. Dead heading will prolong flowe... |
Calendula Princess Mix SeedsA first-class choice for border decoration, but also an excellent cut flower. Its double blooms h... |
Calendula Seeds Orange KingA splendid variety of calendula with enormous orange flowers, perfectly double and beautifully fo... |
Cambridge Blue Sweet Pea SeedsA deliciously scented multiflora type with up to five large ruffled blooms per stem. Although Cam... |
Campanula Blue & White Bells SeedsAn elegant biennial flowering in pale blue and white spikes in mid and late summer. Does well in ... |
Campanula Tiny Bells SeedsA beautiful campanula producing bushy plants with finely cut foliage, smothered in masses of deli... |
Canada Green Lawn Seed (500g)Canada 'Green' amazing grass seed mixture sprouts and covers super-fast - injust 14 day... |
Canary Creeper SeedsA quick covering for tall fences, trellis work and sunny walls, growing up to 3-3.6m (10-12'). Br... |
Candy Sweet Pea SeedsThis unusual striped and speckled chocolate maroon has a solid picotee edge.A handsome flower wel... |
Candytuft Dwarf Fairy Mixed SeedsSo easy from seed and so versatile in the garden.andytuft make a delightfully informal bedding pl... |
Candytuft Fairy Mix SeedsRegular in height. Attractive pastel range of colours. Easy to grow, colourful border plants. HA ... |
Candytuft Fantasia Mix SeedsColourful border plant for spring or autumn sowing. Height 15cm (6). |
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